Chapater 42: Im guessing botched lip injections

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I am leaving my last class of the day and I have come up with two solutions to my problem.

One, I could run out in front of one of the rich kid's cars and end up in a hospital.

Two, I could go on the stupid date and pretend to be happy.

I settled on option two, but getting hit by a rich kid's car sounded very appealing.

Wyatt meets me at the front doors. "How's my girlfriend doing?"

"Great." I snap.

Okay, so I'm not the best at hiding anger.

Funny thing, I can usually hide all my emotions except anger.

I might need help.

Wyatt talks all the way to his car, but I don't pay attention.

"Kate, what's wrong?" Wyatt asks abruptly.

"Nothing," I respond quickly.

Wyatt frowns. "I'm not moving this car till you tell me. Come on don't shut me out."

I take a few breaths. "It's a girl problem, Wyatt."

Maybe he won't ask any more questions.

His face pales. "Oh, do you need anything?"

"We can run to the store."

I feel myself smile for the first time since lunch. "Just Wyatt, it's not that kind of problem it's something else."

Wyatt's face turns back to its normal color. "What's bothering you?" He leans closer to me. "You can tell me I won't laugh."

I put my head in my hands. I can't believe I'm going to tell him.

"You're going to think I'm pathetic, but here it goes."

I take another deep breath. "If you want to go out with other girls you can. I get we're not dating."

Wyatt looks confused. "Baby, even if we're not really 'dating' I not going to see anyone else. Till these four weeks are up I'm only yours."

That makes me feel a little better. "Why?"

"Sophie was basically asking you out today."

"So?" Wyatt says shrugging.

"Wyatt, she is gorgeous. She's everything I'm not, skinny, pretty, confident, and outgoing. She could be a bathing suit model."

"You would have to be blind not to notice."

Wyatt gives me a look I've never seen before. "Kate, I think you're perfect. Don't compare yourself to other people. You may think Sophie's better than you but she's not."

Wyatt stares into my eyes. "You're funny and sarcastic. You are the toughest most badass girl I've ever met. I hate to break it to you but I don't pretend to date just anyone."

I laugh and blink to keep from crying. "Thanks, Wyatt."

He leans forward and tucks hair behind my ear. "Besides her lips are weird looking, I'm guessing botched lips injections."

That small gesture causes my stomach to flutter.

We both break out into a fit of laughter.

Wyatt drops me off at my house and I go straight to the barn to ride Ripley.

"You ready?" Wyatt asks me as he parks his car outside of McDonald's.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I respond grinning.

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