Chapter 39: Bromance vibes are stong

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Ah yes, it's a beautiful start to another week. Yup, it's Monday.

After I rode on Titan Izzy texted me saying she got breakfast from McDonald's.

After I got changed I met her in the cafeteria to eat.

"I just knew you were going to fall for Wyatt," Izzy says smiling.

I glare at her. Sunday night I told her all about my 'newfound feelings for Wyatt'. (Her words, not mine.)

"Iz, it's just a teeny tiny, microscopic crush. Like a crush you have on a celebrity say Miles Teller for example."

Izzy shakes her head. "You know who's hot?"

"Pedro Pascal."

I grin. "Yes! But still Miles Teller-" I finish my sentence by thumping my hand over my heart.

Izzy giggles. "What is it with you and that man?"

I sigh. "It's probably the mustache."

"I see it in your eyes when Wyatts around, Katie you're falling for him." Izzy never gets sidetracked, unfortunately.

"It's not a bad thing, it's good." She adds quickly.

"I am not!" I say frustrated.

"Well, you better sort those feelings out soon because it looks like you have competition."

"What!" I spin around and see Wyatt and Tyler walking in with their arms around each other.

I see Izzy smirking and wiggling her eyebrows.

I roll my eyes. "I really don't know why I'm friends with you."

"No Ty-Ty Batman is the most useless superhero," Wyatt argues. Wyatt's called Tyler by that nickname ever since Waffle House.

"He is not!" Tyler fires back.

"I'm starting to feel like the other woman in this relationship," Izzy mutters.

We're eating lunch. Tyler and Wyatt have been talking nonstop.

"Yeah, the bromance vibes are strong," I say sarcastically.

Tyler smirks. "Kat's just jealous that her 'boyfriend' likes me more."

I roll my eyes and Wyatt smiles at me. "Baby, you know your my one and only right?"

"Oh my gosh." I groan and Wyatt pulls me to his side, ruffling my hair.

"I have a question. Tyler, if you had to date one of your few male friends which one would you?" Izzy asks as she munches on baby carrots.

"I have many male friends," Tyler says defensively.

"Sure you do." I sarcastically remark.

"I do see there's Mark an-" Izzy waves her hand interrupting Tyler.

"Don't start arguing, just answer my question."

I smirk at Tyler. He scratches his chin. "I would have to say... Wyatt."

Izzy and I give him a dumbstruck look and Wyatt's ears turn red. "Er, thanks, man."

"Derek is going to be pissed," I say while shaking my head.

Tyler being Tyler steals one of Izzy's carrots and continues on the subject; further embarrassing Wyatt.

"Don't get me wrong I love Derek. He's my best friend, but he's too bulky for my taste. Wyatt has muscle, but he's leaner. He doesn't look like a walking bolder."

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