Chapter 3: English is boring

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Another cover design by my talented brother (he's 14!!)

English is my least favorite class, it's so boring. But not today because I realize why the girl on the horse (yeah, the one I almost ran over) looked so familiar. She's in my English class.

I told my buddy Ryan what happened, and he couldn't believe someone was riding a horse at that time on the road. I feel really bad about the whole thing so after class, I'm going to get her name and try to find a way to repay her.

"Ms. Fleming, would you like to share what you're writing with the class?"

"It must be interesting because you're not paying attention." Mrs. Smith says loudly.

Good, this is my chance to help her out or repay her, whatever you want to call it.

"Mrs. Smith, she's taking notes so she can use them later when we have our tutoring lesson."
I hope she buys it, just to make sure I flash her my best smile.

"Okay, but Katie please pay more attention,"
Mrs. Smith says apprehensively.

What can I say, teachers love me. Especially the female teachers.


That name suits her, she looks like a Katie.

I don't mean to, but I end up staring at her throughout the rest of class. Something about her is so mysterious.

When class is over she runs out before I can catch her.

I put my things in my bag and walk through the door. Maybe I'll see her at lunch.

"Thanks," A female voice squeaks.

I look to my left and there she is, leaning against the wall.

She stands up and walks away. I quickly follow her.

"It was the least I could do after almost hitting you with my car," I say with a smirk.

She laughs. "I guess we're even now. I'm surprised Mrs. Smith bought that story because I'm barely making a B in English."

She stops and opens her locker. I look down at mine five doors down. How have I never noticed her?

"Has this always been your locker?" I ask.

She shakes her head. "No, I had to get a new one on the first day of school because my old one broke."

She stops digging through her locker for a second. "Why?"

I was getting ready to answer her when the bell rings. "Oh, that's the bell I have to get to class."

She pulls her bag onto her shoulder. "I guess we're even now, Just Wyatt."

I turn around to say bye, but she's gone.

"Man, she's fast," I mutter under my breath.

Is It bad I kind of like the nickname 'Just Wyatt'?

"I'll see you later Izzy!" I yell across the parking lot.

"Katie call me tonight." I give Izzy a thumbs up in response.

"Kat, Kat, Kat!"  Tyler yells as he jogs up at me.

"What Tyler?" I say annoyed.     

"Tell Derek when you see him that I'm going to stay at y'alls house this weekend."

I sigh.

"You have a phone just text him," I say but he is already gone.

I think him and Derek have this prank going where I'm always having to be the middleman for them. It's like I'm delivering their notes to each other in elementary school.

Once I get to my truck, I toss my bag on the passenger ads seat and climb in. I look at myself in the rearview mirror. I have my hair in a side braid, and good lord was it frizzy.

I start my car and it doesn't even try to start. "No! No! No! Roster!"

Oh yeah, my truck's name is the Rooster, (like Miles Teller from Top Gun) I really should thank my brother because he came up with the name.

I try to start it three more times and nothing. "Not today. What a great way to start the first day of the third week of school."

All of a sudden, I hear a knocking on my window. I look up from my steering wheel where I'm currently resting my head and there is Wyatt freaking Kent. At this point, I'm not even shocked. 

I crank down my window. He tilts his head slightly. "Do you need help?"


I wanted to tell him, "No sugar, I always bang my head against the steering wheel." I don't because I do need help and I didn't want to scare him away.

"Unless you have a pair of jumper cables in your car, I'm afraid you'll be no help."
What? At this point in my life sarcasm is a natural thing.

"Well, this must be your lucky day because Kate, I happen to have just what you need."

Wow, today keeps getting weirder and weirder.

"My name is Katie, not Kate."

"I know that," He says like I just told him the sky is blue. 

"let me move my car then you'll be getting out of here in no time," Wyatt says.

I leap out of my truck. "Wyatt, you don't have to."

He gives me his famous smile. "It's no problem."

Wow, he really does have an amazing smile.

Katie is the last person I thought I'd see or the last person I would help jump-start their car.

Once I pull my jeep around, I hop out and grab my jumper cables.

"Wow, I'm shocked you didn't hit me with your car." Katie sarcastically remarks.

I start laughing. "You know I can just put these cables in my car and leave right?"

I would never do that, but it's fun to watch her face turn pink, even if it's for a second.

"You're right I'm sorry, thanks for doing this."

"You're so welcome." I give Katie my best smile, which makes most girls blush and look away, but she just rolls her eyes.

"Alright, try to start it now." I look down at her license plate and it has, "Well crap" but instead of two Ls she spelled it 'we1 crap'.

Her truck starts on the first try. I take off my cables and walk to her window.

"Your plates are so creative" I roll my eyes, so she knows I'm joking.

"Look, Just Wyatt,  it was very hard to find a way to put 'well crap' that wasn't already taken."

I feel myself smile as I stare into her eyes.

How have I never noticed this girl before? There is something so different about her. She didn't treat me the way most girls do.

"Thanks for helping me, but I really must be going," Katie sings.

I tap my hand on her window. "Yeah anytime."

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