Chapter 27: Beautiful isn't

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Pic of the sunrise Katie takes. 😝

I wake up to the glorious time of 5:00 a.m. Beautiful isn't it?

I may or may not have snoozed my alarm three times so now I'm running late.

I got an email last night from Mr.Brent, yes you read that right, an email. He needs to get a cell phone.

Anyway, his grandkids came over last weekend and rode Titan so he wants me to do light exercise this week.

Which is fine with me.

I tack Titan up and ride him down Mr.Brent's driveway. I take Titan on a nice chill walk.

Since I woke up late I didn't get to check my phone. I decide to do it while I ride Titan.

I have a snap from our group chat, It is a video of me singing Since You've been gone in the kitchen. Tyler must have filmed me after Wyatt left.

I take a picture of myself on Titan and send it for Snapchat Streaks.

I text Wyatt good morning and check Instagram.

Wyatt tagged me in a picture he posted. It's us cuddling on the couch last night. He captioned it, "Best lazy Sunday of my life!"

I still can't believe I laid my head on Wyatt's stomach for an hour!

I take a picture of the sunrise to post to my story before I take Titan back.

Pulling up to the school I see the guys on the football field practicing. Tyler and Wyatt are standing together talking. I beep my horn to scare them.

It scares them and they both flip me off.

Tyler may not be the best influence on Wyatt.

I go to the school's bathroom to get ready.

Babe: The cheer squad had practice today😫 I think I'll join you in the bathroom to get ready!

Izzy had dance practice this morning and hated getting ready in the locker rooms with a lot of people in there.

"Hey, Katie."

I glance at Izzy in the mirror, she's already dressed. "Hey, Iz."

She takes her makeup bag and places it on the counter. Knowing she will be in here for a while I hop on the counter to watch her.

"Iz, I don't know why you wear makeup you're beautiful."

She sighs slightly. "I'm not talking about this again Katie." And she says I'm stubborn.

"So, have you stopped lying to yourself yet and admitted you have feelings for Wyatt?"

I slap the counter. "Izzy, could you be any louder?" I whisper yell.

She grins while applying eyeshadow. "What everyone thinks you're dating."

I rub a hand down my face. "Iz, I don't like him." She gives me a look that tells me she doesn't believe me.

We talk about Wyatt as she finishes her makeup.

I smile as I put my phone away for practice. It feels nice when Katie texts me good morning.

I notice Tyler standing by himself on his phone while we wait for the coach. I walk over to him.

"Hey, man."

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