Chapter 14: lazy Over Here

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I wake up to the beautiful sound of my alarm at you guessed it 5:00 a.m. I roll out of bed and get dressed.

Today it's going to be warm, so I put shorts and a cropped T-shirt into my bag to wear at school.

I almost forgot to put my Crocs in the bag too.

After I sneak out of the house, I get in my truck and drive to Mr.Brent's house.

Since the last time I rode Titan I almost got hit by a car I decide to take it easy.

Later on, I learned that it was a good decision because Titan was crazy.

As I'm brushing off Titans saddle marks my phone dings. I look and see it's a text from Wyatt.

Just Wyatt: Ha! Woke up before you! 😝

I smile and respond.

Me: Sorry to rain on your parade but I've been up since five this morning.  🤷🏻‍♀️

It takes him a few minutes to respond. When he finally does I'm putting Titan back into the field.

Just Wyatt: Oh
Just Wyatt: One of these days I'm going to be up before you!

Me: 👍🏼

It's nice having someone text you in the morning. Izzy and I text all the time just not in the mornings because she's always with Tyler.

It was weird how the little things like someone telling you good morning can make you feel so happy.

Once I get to school  I change into my clothes and fix my hair. I clip it up into a claw clip where it looks like my hair is in a ponytail.

Since I still have twenty minutes till classes start I go to my locker to get my books out so I can work on an essay.

When I open my locker there's a Starbucks cup sitting in my locker with a note on it saying,

"Dearest Kate, I hope this warms your day just like your smile warms mine.🙂
P.S. I bet ten bucks you're wondering how I  got your locker combination.
Well, a good magician never reveals his secret.

- Wyatt your hot boyfriend

I put my hand over my mouth to muffle a gasp. That is one of the sweetest things anyone has ever done for me.

I take out my phone to text him.

Me: Thank you! 🥹

I take a picture of the note with my drink and post it on Instagram captioning it,
'POV you have the best boyfriend ever! 🥰'

When I get to the lunch room I sit down and I see I have another text from Wyatt.

Just Wyatt: I have no idea what you're thanking me for.
Just Wyatt: Maybe you're thanking me for just simply existing and making this world a better place?
Well, baby, you're welcome! 😘

I laugh very loud which earns me a few glares and stares.

I take a picture of me holding the drink and send it to him.

After I send it to him I reread the texts. I noticed he called me baby.

Maybe he didn't mean to or he's trying to tease me.

I can't bring myself to say anything about it even though I made a rule about pet names.

A few minutes later he responds.

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