9: Can't stop the Hate

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Elsa's pov.

"Sit beside Flynn and Kristoff." Jack said and he sat me down. "You two, make sure no one, I mean NO ONE could come closer to her except you two and me. Got it?"

The two laughed and they nod. Why do they need to laugh? Jack looks serious.

"Bye babe." Then he gave me a wink and my eyes widen. Then, he walked out.


What did just happened?
Did I just let him do that!?

I stood up and I've been pulled back down again by these two.
"Hey, let me go!"
"Finally you snapped out of your 'dream land' and came back to the reality." Flynn said and Kristoff nods.

"There's no such thing as dream lang and yes, I snapped back in reality and thank you. Now my brain said I need to go." I stood up again and I've been pulled down again at this bench.


"Why don't you just watch your boyfriend first? it'll be fun." Flynn said.

"who said he's my boyfriend!?" I asked.

"Look, the jerk is smiling at you." Kristoff said.

I raised my eyebrows and I looked down to see Jack stretching and smiling at me at the smae time. I rolled my eyes and I crossed my arms.

"I'm not gonna watch the practice."

"oh really? who said so?" Flynn said.

"I said so." I said.

"Can you stop and watch already!?" Kris said, "The practice is starting and you two are not paying any attention!"

I tsked and I arranged my seat. 

How on earth did I end up in here?! UGH I HATE MYSELF. 

I looked at the quidditch field and I saw Jack. He's the keeper. 

I was focusing on the practice when I realized I hit the ground. I felt my cheeks are burning up and I sat there. I looked up to see an angry Rapunzel.

did she just........ slapped me?

"What d-do you think you're doing?" I said while holding back my tears. 

I looked back at the field to find Jack but, he's nowhere to be found. I also looked for Kristoff and Flynn, and I found them holding back punzie.

"This is all your fault!" Then, she slapped me again. 


"Rapunzel! You don't wanna do that!" Flynn said, trying to hold punzie back.

"Why!? because ELSA said so!?" I closed my eyes as I ready myself for another slap but, nothing hit me.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Jack standing up for me. He's holding punzies hand, and he's really looking furious.

"What do you think your doing......" He said with his unusual cold voice.

Rapunzel stepped back, but Jack didn't let go of her arm. 


"Yes b-but-"

"SILENCE!" Rapunzel looked at the ground, and she looked terrified.

"I told you rapunzel," Jack's grip tighten, and punzie doesn't like it. "Stay away from my girl, or else you'll regret that you were born in this world."

"J-Jack... I just want us to b-be back. I want us back. Just please... I beg you." Punzie said.

"Beg all you want. I can't hear a thing. Elsa, let's go." Jack picked my up in a bridal style and I started to panic.

"J-Jack! How about your practice! Y-You can't play if you d-didn't practice today!"

"Like I give shit."

I shut up for a moment and I looked at Jack. He's not planning to talk. I can feel the cold surrounding me. I shivered for a moment but stopped when Jack gave me his scarf.

"Are you comfortable now?" I looked at him and I Nodded.



"T-Thank you f-for everything." He stopped walking and he slowly looked at me.

Then, the next thing he does, He kissed my forehead.

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