19: Yule ball and Change

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Third person's point of view

He sat there in a corner, not knowing what should he do to take his girlfriend's hands to the ball. Jackson made his girlfriend mad and for sure, she's not gonna listen to his statement because of course, she's not gonna face him.

"Why are you thinking so deep about this, Jack?" Eugene giggled, "She's not your real girlfriend, right? You're just playing with her so it's no big deal."

"But how could I continue the pretend if she's all mad at me?" Jack said.

Jack thew himself to Kristoff's bed and he sigh. He can't understand his own feelings and he doesn't know if he did fall for her.

He started to feel something towards Elsa but he can't put a finger on it. He doesn't know if he really wants her.

To be honest, he's blinded by his own feelings.

"Simple Jackson," Eugene started, "Drop it."

That jolted up the silver head's body. His eyes went wide and he started to feel it; goosebumps.

"W-What? A-Are you serious?" Jack said.

"What? Already?" Kristoff said.

"I-I can't, it's not yet done, the deal is not yet done, I haven't satisfied you yet!" Jack retorted.

"You already satisfied me, Jackson." Eugene chuckled, "Really, you impressed me. I never thought you would go that far."

"W-What 'that far'? What do you mean?" Jack felt uneasy. He was all nervous.

"Stop it, Eugene. You're the one who's going too far." Kristoff scoffed.

"Tss... Shut up, will ya?" Eugene faced Jackson, who's listening to his voice. "I saw it. I saw how you wrap your arms around her and how you kiss her. It looks so real! Like... You're into her."

Words are stucked at Jack's throat. How? How did Eugene knew about it? How did Eugene knew about them kissing? This is uncomfortable.

Jack noticed something. Something changed about Eugene. And it's not right. Jack wanted to argue about Eugene's attitude but he just can't. He can't because Eugene is one of Jack's close friends.

"I-It was all just an act. Besides, I need to make it look like real to make her fall for me." Jack said, avoiding an eye contact to Eugene.

"Yeah, really? Is it really an act, Jackson? Or maybe you're falling with the ravenclaw nerd?"

"Stop it, Eugene. You're not funny anymore, can't you see that? Enough." Kristoff's words makes Eugene Temper to blow out.

"Look, it's not because you're dating Elsa's sister doesn't mean I can't or WE can't play with Elsa's feelings. Jack wanted this damn thing to happen, he even joined the Twizard tournament for this and guess what? He WAS picked. So shut the hell up and LET us two talk." Eugene exclaimed.

"Yeah right. Talk to each other like you're only the one who made this dare. Jackass." Just the Kristoff left their room, leaving Jack and Eugene behind.

"Kristoff!" Jack called but he didn't heard it.

"Let him be. So, do as I said. Drop it. If you don't, I will. I will be watching you up until the dance is done. If the dance is done and you didn't do your job, I'll do it for you. That's my words, bye."

Eugene left his own room, leaving confused Jackson behind.


It's time. The time all of the students are waiting for. Everyone is ready for Tonight. The dance was already in their heads and all they can say is this is going to be lovely evening.

The ball will start at 8:00 at the evening and ends at midnight.

Jackson is wearing a simple tuxedo. "Why would I even dress fancy if I'm not going with my girlfriend." His thoughts said.

Jack has no one to dance, even tho he had a girlfriend, he's still lonely tonight. He didn't bother asking other students to dance with him. But that is not the big problem. The huge problem is about Elsa.

How can he drop the dare? Right now? Right here? Tonight?

"It's too early, maybe I can convince Eugene that I'll drop the bet sooner." Jack's mind said.

So he stand up from the chair in a corner and he look around to find Eugene but he find Prof McGonagall instead.

"Oh Jackson, there you are!" The woman said as she approach the your competitor, "I've been looking for you! Get ready, the dance is in 15 minutes and you better ready the steps in your mind."

"S-Sorry Professor but, I'm not going to dance." The boy confessed.

Professor was shoked by his words and she's confused. "Well, where's Miss Arandelle? Ugh, okey. I'll search a partner for you. Champions are the first to dance."

"W-What?" Jack asked, confused.

"Didn't I tell you?" Jack shook his head from left to right, signalling no. "Well, now you already know. Stay there as I search for a free girl."

Jack wanted to speak up but Professor McGonagall already leave. He sighed and he just continued to search for Eugene.


Elsa's point of view

I was ready. A gown of my choise, a beautiful makeup on, a sweet scent of perfume, everything was perfect.

Well, now it's not.

I recieved a mail from Draco, informing me that he's really sorry because he's not going to take me at the ball. Here is it:

Dear beloved Elsa,

I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I can't take you to the ball tonight. I just got threatened by my father that I should go with Pansy Parkinson. I really wanted to go with you but I can't turn my back on my father. I hope you understand. I'm really sorry.



My tears can't stop this moment, so all I have to do is accept it. Who wanted to dance Elsa Arandelle anyway? Either his boyfriend doesn't want to dance with her.

Everything is ready until that mail showed up and ruined everything. I'm holding back my tears so it can't ruin my makeup.

Just then someone knocked on my door. I'm not on the mood to open it.

"Who is it." I hissed.

"I heard your partner is not showing up, my dear. But can you open this door for a moment?" A familiar voice makes my feet move, making me to walk towards the door. I opened it and she gave me a big smile.

"I'm sorry about Mr. Malfoy but I need your help dear." I was confused.

"What do you mean professor?"

"I have found you a partner. Come on, we need to be quick." My eyes were filled with joy when I heard it.

I quickly arranged myself and professor was running down the stairs. I followed her but I stoped on my tracks when I saw who is at the end of the stair.

"Mr. Frost I have found you a partner!"

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