2: Frost Butt

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Elsa's pov (this is where pov starts!)

"Really? Beuxbatons and Drumstrang are heading over?" Punzie, my bestfriend asked me. Well, she's very ill a week ago and gladly, she recovered easy and fast. I nod at her question as I ate my bread. Well, punzie is also a Ravenclaw. But something about her really makes me ask my self, 'how do I even make friends with her?' Wanna know what is it? It's—

"Hey punzie, having friends with the wrong sort?"

She's also a friend of you-know-who.
Wait... No. That sounds wrong! I mean, Jack! Not... Not you-know-who... What ever! I mean Jackson Overland Frost. Not.... Tom Riddle. You know what I mean.

"Stop it, Jackson." Punzie said playfully. I looked back to see a silver haired boy glaring at me. So, I glared at him back. Punzie notice us so she grabbed my chin and slowly turn my head back to the table.

"I don't know why you and Jackson are the perfect enemy. You're like Harry Potter in a girl version and in Ravenclaw, and Jack is like Draco with the same house and attitude." She said then she laughed a bit.

I sigh. Jesus.

"Why wouldn't Harry Potter sorted to Ravenclaw?"

"Because he's trying to catch his letters from the air, instead of taking one from the fu(k!ng floor." Jackson must've overheard it.

I looked back and face him. I don't know why but he's sitting with Hufflepuffs lately. I think Slytherin and Hufflepuff are friend after all, huh?

"And how do you know that information of yours, Jackson?" I retorted.
"My father told me."
"How arrogantly clever."
"Whatever. Atleast now you know that you're not the brightest witch at a young age."
"Whatever. Atleast now you know that you're an eavesdropper."
"You filthy little--"

"Enough." Punzie tapped my shoulder and shove as strawberry at my mouth and I chew it. She pointed at Jackson and said, "Can you try to act a little Gentelmen, you frosty? And... Lower your reputation. Try to act more--"

"What? For Elsa?"
"No. For girls. How could you have a girlfriend if you're sooooo arrogant and obnoxious?" Punzie said, making me laugh so damn hard. Jack glared at me. I drink a coffe.

"Ouch. That hurt punzie. And why do I need a girlfriend if I already have one?" I coughed because I chocked. J-Jesus! Is he serious!? Punzie looked at me and blushed. What the f4(k? Punzie is smiling like hell. Confused, I looked at Jack, whose looking at punzie with a grin on his face, and Punzie whose blushing as hell.

"No." I shook my head. "No.. You're not seeing each other, right?"

"Who cares? Why? You jealous, Arandelle?" He laughed a bit. Very Annoying. Punzie laughed and excused herself. "Bathroom." She said and she left. When Punzie left, Jack tapped my shoulder and I looked at him. My eyes went wide when he's grinning at me. What the hell? He was annoying.

"Just admit that you like me. It's not hard to do." He said. I rolled my eyes at him.
"Can you stop being arrogant and leave me alone?"
"I told you, I'm going to annoy you until death."
"Well, it's working. Satisfied?" He laughed at my answer and he sat next to me. WHAT THE HELL.

"Not yet," Then he lean closer to me. "The problem is, you're not yet dead." With his diabolical words, I managed to ignore him. I looked at my book, trying to concentrate at my lessons cu'z it's OWL next week.

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