-|Should have listened|-

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Gold's Pov

Me and Spring really did it! I can't believe it. I had done it before but it kinda upset me that I wasn't a virgin but I took virginity..

Me, Spring, Nm and Red are walking home I don't think Red or Exe whatever his name is, is well- harmful he acts harmless and is just over the moon with Nm..

I press the elevator button, and we wait. Kinda awkward not gunna lie but oh well, we went into the elevator and waited. Spring was cuddling my side before I noticed Nm twitching slightly, I didn't get to ask him what was wrong since the doors opened.

Nm lead the way to the apartment. Opening the door and letting everyone in. I stretch happily "Home at last-" I squeak and jump when the door is slammed loudly. I turn to see Nm staring at us in the dark lighting of the apartment.. his red eyes looked different.. almost soulless.

He turned away from me and Spring locking the door as I turn to look at Red who had closed the curtains. Turning to us with pitch black eyes "Now. I have you too all alone. I can finally do my job" Red growls as me and Spring back up only to hit Nm who glares down at us.

I look up at Nm before back at Red "Why are you doing this!?" I growl as Red laughs "it's personal." He grins widely as Nm grabbed me and held me back, I kicked and squirmed but Nm didn't let go.

Red walked over to Spring and grabbed his neck "Remember me?" He asks tilting his head "Nice to finally see hellboy so scared" Red laughs as Spring was wiggling for dear life.. he looked like he might cry.

I growl and stare at Red my anger boiling to a point I couldn't contain it, I started trashing, kicking, punching with alot of force. I ended up knocking Nm over and running to the curtains, flinging them open Nm scrowled and fell limp.

I glance at myself in the mirror, my eyes are black with white pupils. I vow to not leave this room until Spring is safe. I snarl loudly and tackle Red off of Spring, who fell to the side and looked at us confused.

I dig my claws into Red's neck, snarling back he tired to wipe at my face, I couldn't react as I was suddenly thrown across the room. Hitting the wall my vision blurrs.

I can feel someone holding me back... it's me... I watch as Nm turns his attention to Spring, I tired to scream and beg Nm to leave him alone.. but nothing came out. I failed him... no wait- I have to get up. I slowly start to rise to my feet Spring crying out when Nm attacked him, using a glowing white almost like a light tendril, I pluck Nm off of him just as he slashed Spring's right eye.

I throw him into the wall repeatedly with the tendril anger flooding my senses as the tv, lights and other electronic devices start flickering. Throwing Nm to the side I turn my eyes apon Red, the two of us move around one another. Red is standing infront of the window when I get a dumb but perfect idea.

I inch towards as he backs up slightly, ready to pounce at me but I beat him too it. The window shattered on impact as me and Red are now falling 44 stories to our doom. I keep a grip of Red's neck as we fell "I HOPE WE BOTH FUCKING DIE!" I hear him yell as I grin looking down as the floor approches.

I can see him starting to go faint, he won't be able to collect himself by the time we hit the floor, I kick him downwards and close my eyes. I waited for the impact but it never came, I open my eyes to find myself levitating a meter above the floor.

I drop to the floor and stare at Red who was laying on the road, people were screaming, I gasp watching in almost horror as Red- no Exe starts to get up without thinking I start stomping on his head. Suddenly I was thrown once again, this time Exe threw me.

I hit a tree and fall onto my side "Fuck..." I whine trying to get up again, I'm not done yet... I have to protect my bunny. I was grabbed by the throat, Exe had completely changed forms. Now he looked like a proper hellspawn. His fur was now mostly black and radiated a dark unsettling energy.

I gasped for air when Exe was torn away, looking up I see no other than Spring, my eyes widen seeing he had the same aura that Exe had, but it's more comforting to me. Spring let out a loud unholy screech that made me flinch.

I groan and slowly pass out..

Spring's Pov

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I scream and watch as Exe trugged to his feet "I knew you were bad news. But now you will pay" I feel purple clouding my vision, not taking control but working with me.

I charge at Exe who flings a ball of energy towards me, I drop down and slide under it. Getting back onto my feet I tackle him bringing him to the floor. Punching him many times out of anger. I gasp for air when I feel something pierce my stomach.

I look down to see a knife lodged into my side I stood up and stared down at Exe who was scrambling to his feet backing away slightly when I laughed. "You really think a mortal weapon will harm me?" I rip the knife from my chest and point it towards him "I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!" I scream ripping at my own skin, to make me bleed.. to start the blood lust.

There is no way this fucker is leaving alive. I'll make sure of it. No matter what...


Exe's screams fill my ears as I laugh at this chaotic scene, people watching from their apartment windows. But I don't care.

((Chapter donnnnnnneeeeeE well, Gold's dream is becoming reality but not like how the dream put it huh? Wordie counties: 1058))

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