-|Bro you can't hide from a mother's pair of second eyes|-

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Fredbear's pov

'Shit shit shit!' Was all that was running through my mind he's going to snitch isn't he?? My mind was running loose while my mother put her bag and down and sat inbetween us 'like just fucking great c'mon sit down mother, and we'll have a fucking tea party!!'

Mom must've noticed I was nervous since she asked "Oh what are you working on?" And with that she took my Chromebook before I could see the title..

Springtrap was just watching the wholeee time "History" I say plainly this seemed to make her more suspicious. I think she realised that Springtrap wasn't going to snitch but she didn't need him to. She figured it out in less than five minutes of walking through that door.

Which landed me a scolding right infront of Springtrap god, that was embarrassing.
Now i'm just sitting on his couch while the two are cooking. Mom always says I'm too much like my father. I know it's not a good thing but I don't understand why they choose to have a distant relationship mom and dad spend all day working then mom comes home cooks then leaves to repeat the same thing all over again.

'God stop getting emotional..' I scold myself blinking away tears that were forming in my eyes. 'I hate getting in trouble..' I think as I stare out the window. Slowly starting to doze off my feet tangled in the blanket that had been on the couch when I got here 'It was warm when I sat down which means I took his spot.' I scolded myself once more as I slipped into the darkness.

Spring's pov

It was a bit funny to watch karma at work as Fredbear got scolded. I didn't laugh as I didn't want that karma to come back for me.

We finished cooking in around half an hour "Fredbear come get your food" I say but he didn't reply I thought he was probably still salty over getting scolded infront of me. So I walked over only to find Fredbear had fallen asleep. I sigh and untangle the blanket from his feet using it to cover him as Mrs Fazbear walked over confused only to see sleeping beauty- why did I think that!? I literally hate him! I look to Mrs Fazbear who shrugs, I guess we are leaving him there.

Me and Mrs Fazbear ate our dinner in silence as neither of us wanted to wake Fredbear, which surprised me I never thought I would go out of my way to be quiet to let him sleep. It just never crossed my mind until it happened...

Putting the dishes in the sink I cleaned up. Fredbear was still sleeping while Mrs Fazbear was packing her things. I hummed to myself as I dried the dishes, putting them away one by one. I heard a yawn which interrupted Fredbear's not too loud but not quiet snoring. 'Guess he's awake now' I think as I put away the last plate.

Fredbear's pov once more

I feel myself start to wake nuzzling the blanket that is so warm I feel like I can melt into it. Wait this smells like..Springtrap? Oh shit where am I!?? I was dragged out of my thoughts when I felt someone shake me gently. I don't want to get up..

I groan and roll over onto my side pulling the blanket over my head I hear someone chuckle. 'That's springtrap isn't it?' I think as I stay put "C'mon we are gonna be late for school sleepy head!" Then the blanket was yanked off of me making me whine lightly.

I feel someone poke my side I'm guessing it's Spring I open my eyes slowly 'just as I thought' There was an annoying green bunny standing over me the sun lit the room in a soft orange tone.

"Wake up already have a shower and let's go!" Spring huffs as I sit up "What? What time is it and why would I take a shower here?" I ask grumpily "Don't give me tone I let you sleep on my couch all night plus, there's no time for you to go home and have a shower you'll just have to reuse your clothes for today" Spring said.

My eyes widen "What time is it??" "6:40" Spring said I got off the couch and Spring handed me a towel showing me to the bathroom "T-thanks?" I say with a small smile 'did I just fucking stutter?' I scold myself in my head as Spring just nods and walks away "I'll make breakfast" was all he said.

I close the door looking around his bathroom. 'It's surprisingly clean for a kid who lives by himself..' I think my ears drooping as I sigh maybe I shouldn't be so hard on him. He's all alone at this point I slipped out of my clothes putting them on the rail as I have to reuse them it could be worse 'I'm lucky he is even letting me shower at all' I turn on the water and have the quickest shower of my life.

Once I was done I walked out drying my fringe. Spring immediately handed me a comb and asked "Butter or peanut butter?" "Just butter I'm allergic to Peanuts" I say as he nods and tosses the jar of peanut butter away from me.

'The moment I said I was allergic he got rid of it. Why does he care??' I think as I munch on my butter toast while brushing my hair I'm fine with living like a normal person though I could have servants do it all for me.

Getting snapped out of my thoughts as Spring grabs my wrist and leads me out the door. I'll just have to eat a peppermint I suppose.

We run though the streets of the busy city that we live in. I have never really been to this part of the city, boy I've been missing out. I felt my eyes widen when I saw the train station it's so pretty! I heard Spring laugh as I was staring at the flowers.

He pulled me into the station and we got to the platform I give him a small smile as we made it. "Thanks for letting me sleep yesterday I really needed it" I say taking out some peppermints I offer him one and he takes it. "No problem I just didn't want to wake you" He shrugs and pops the mint in his mouth.

Annnnd then he started choking, I quickly pat his back as he coughed.

"I'm good.."

He said after a moment, I pull his water out from the side of his bag and handed it to him "That was stronger than I expected" He said bluntly his face red in embarrassment as I laughed "Yeah keep sucking on it the taste will die down" I shrug but my mind takes my commemt elsewhere. 'Stupid dirty mind..' I think as we hopped on the train..

((End of this chapie!! The start of a gorgeous friendship!! Less'go!! Wordie count: 1190))

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