-|I guess we be doin' dis|-

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Spring's Pov

I mumble lightly as I start to come to my senses nuzzling something warm and soft. I felt it wiggle lightly as I blink slowly opening my eyes all I saw was yellow fur before I slowly look up to see Gold looking down at me...

"Heyyyy~" Gold purrs and ruffles my hair as he smirks 'god he's hot when he smirks' I blush madly as he laughs and hugs me 'I'm on his lap!!' I mentally scream as I hug him back too flustered to do anything else. I whimper at his chuckling as he looks down at me "What'd I do?" He asks rubbing my back.

I hit my head softly on his shoulder god this feels like heaven as I yawn and mumble "where are we?" He took his time figuring out what I said before he nuzzled my neck playfully "We are at my Mom's house"

I slowly look up at him taking deep breaths taking in this rich shit's scent "Can you promise me something?" I yawn as he looks down at me "and what's that?" He asks confused

"Can you stop using so much collone?"

He laughs and nods "Fine, Fine" he pats my head "Ready to get some lunch?" He asks as I shook my head and hid my face in the crook of his neck again

He laughs and rubs my neck I mumble lightly "You know this is close for friends?" He asks as I make a pouty whine as he sighs "I don't think your listening" Gold huffs as I grin "Mhm" was all I said nuzzling his neck again blinking in surprise when he wiggles.

"T-That tickles-" he whines

I stop and look up at him. He sighs and bops me on the nose "Hmph" I lower my ears "Did I do somethinggg?" I whine as he looks down at me and shrugs "wanna eat? I've been sitting here since last night and I really really need to piss" Gold huffs as I nod and slip off him.

He gets up and walks off while I rub my eyes and yawn before getting up. I open the door of the room and poke my head out looking down the long corridor before I saw Freddy walk out of another room I blink and walk out. This must have gotten his attention as he turns to face me and smiles.

"Hey! Come over here" Freddy grins as I walk over he takes my wrist and leads me to the kitchen I bite my lip and hold back a hiss of pain. 'Damm wrists hurt as fuck' I sigh as Freddy looks at me "Something wrong?" He asks as I shook my head "No I'm fine" I smile to reassure him.

He didn't get a chance to ask again as Gold walks in and picks me up making me squeak and wiggle "Goldddieee" I whine making Gold grin "Oh it's Goldie now?" He asks as I blush I didn't mean to call him that

"S-shut up" I huff and cross my arms as Freddy laughs "C'mon Mom made lunch" Gold smirks and carries me to the table and set me on a seat.

Gold sniffs the air as I tilt my head "Bacon eggs and sausages!" His eyes lit up making me and Fred laugh making Gold blush in embarrassment "Shut up!" He whines.

I nod and giggle "Fine fine I'm sorryyy" he looks at me and smiles giving me a hug before Mrs Faz walks in with three plates giving the three of us food I blink half way through my food "Wait- Gold how'd we get here?" I ask as Gold shrugs "I carried you to the car, we rode home then I carried you inside" he continues to stuff his face


I say pushing my plate away I don't really feel hungry much and when I do I eat like a horse I don't understand I can go days without eating feeling fine and then bam! I have to eat like I'm starvin'

Gold looks at me "Are you okay? You didn't eat much" he says looking at my plate. I shake my head "Nah just not feeling hungry" I shrug making Gold blink "If your sure.." he goes back to eating as I nod "I'ma go lay down you two can eat my food if you want too" Gold looks at me with his ears lowered standing up as he had finished his food.

"I'll come" Gold looks at me as I sigh "Fine but little talking I have a headache" I lie I just need to sleep I feel drained. He nods and we help clear the table before he leads me back to the room before I flop onto the double size bed making Gold chuckle as he sits on the bed "I'm going to finish the rest of our assessment" he says making me nod as I curl up.

Gold's Pov

I look down at Spring who was curled up 'Oh. My. God.' I think staring at how cute he was before grabbing the blanket and covering him with it he let's out a gentle hum. I smile and grab my Chromebook turning it on I start working on our assessment before I feel two arms rap around my waist "wha-" I blink and look down to see one sleepy bunny hugging my waist as I pet his head softly.

I spend around two hours on our assessment before turning my laptop off and setting it aside. I look down at Spring who was still holding onto my side I slide him away and lay down hugging him with a gentle purr.

I let Spring borrow his face into my shoulder as I rub his ears making him hum happily I couldn't help but stare at him I'm not sure how long I was but only a week ago I hated him and now I'm.. I'm not sure my heart flutters whenever I see him smile because of me. I feel my heart sink when I make him sad, I want to protect him.. no matter what.

I sigh and nuzzle his forehead slowly drifting off..

((End of this chapterrrr~ this one was mostly fluff and a few hints on Spring's mental health ;) wordie counties: 1057))

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