-|How Did You Manage That?|-

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Gold's Pov

I huff and shake Nm "Whatda mean he skipped class!?" I practically yell at Nm who stopped me by grabbing my wrists "Stop it! What I mean is he wasn't fucking there!" Nm hissed "I thought you'd like to look around with me for him" he mumbled as I nodded "Then c'mon!!!" I huff trying to drag the tower of a bear.

He groaned and followed me as we searched the school from top to bottom eventually making our way to the oval "He's gotta be hiding here or he ditched school" I huff as Nm groans "Can we sit down my feet hurt" he pouts as I glare at him "Fine fine" I said before pulling his hand away as he narrowed his eyes "What?" I ask and follow him as he starts walking behind the school sliding inbetween the fence and the brick wall it was harder for him than me as I am smaller than the 6'4 idiot that I call my friend.

Nm got to a small gap where the fence stays the same but the wall of the school moves inwards a perfect spot to hide I hear him squeak in surprise as I slip into the hiding spot and look. I completely froze slowly looking down at the hiccupping drunken mess that was Springtrap. I say the first thing that came to mind "What the fuck Springy!?" I hiss as he looked up at me ears down he started to cry.

I quickly sit next to him and hug him he would hide his face in my chest sobbing and mumbling. I groan softly and rub his back "It's okay Springy... I'ma take you home" I say before looking up at Nm "How??" He asks looking around "Someone will see you" he crossed his arms as Spring looked up at him wiping the tears from his face sniffling "Couldn't ya have *Hic* left t-the knuckle head outside??" He asks as Nm frowned "No because he wouldn't have found you without me" he huffed

I scoop Spring up "Nmmmmm your big and strong can't ya lift us over the fence??" I ask as Spring giggled at my whining making Nm groaned "Fine. If you two get caught not my fault." He said as I set Spring down "Me first so I can catch Spring" I say Nm nods and grabs my waist to lift me before Spring hissed "hands off me m-man" he growled as Nm shook his head "For fuck sake" he mumbled before tossing me over the fench without warning I flip over the fench and land flat on my back making me gasp as the air was knocked out of me.

"Sorry! SORRY!" Nm said quickly as Spring started attacking him like a feral cat I just lay there as I listen to Nm beg Spring attacking him ruthlessly. Slowly I get up "I'm fine... I think" I say straightening up "Then catch!" Nm said flinging Spring over the fence. I catch him but fall back onto my butt as Spring looked up at me his butt in the air "Thanks cutie~" he grinned making me huff and flip him onto his back getting up I carry him bridal style.

"OI!" I flinch and turn around to see Chica she was wearing a pink pleaded shirt and a white shirt tucked in with a pink ribbon tied up into a bow around the collar of the shirt "What the fuck!??" I squeak as she giggles "I saw you too took the hard way out" she said sticking her tongue out at us "Oh shut it" I mumble she would just shrug. "I just faked being sick- what happened to Spring?" She asks poking the bunny's cheek before squeaking when he bit her finger.

I was laughing while Chica pouted and rubbed her finger "Y-you shouldn't stick your hands ner anothda's mouth" Spring mumbled his eyes half closed before he moved and hid his face in my shirt. "Is he drunk???" She asks surprised as I nod "Wowww" she rolled her eyes and ruffled Spring's hair "Wanna take him back to my place?" She asks, I nod "Yea my mother will kill him" I say, we start walking away before a 'thud' made us turn around to see Nm had jumped over and landed on his feet.

"Ey ya stook de landingggg" Spring giggles at Nm as Nm had a ton of scratches all over his face as he frowned "I wanna come but keep the demon away from me." He grumbled as Chica laughs "C'mon let's get you all to my house we can patch Nm up there" she said taking Nm's wrist and leading us the short walk to the train station.

"What happens if an officer asks about Spring??" I say as Nm and Chica blink they hadn't thought about it "Say he's having a moment-" Nm blinks making me and Chica squeak "You got a better idea!?" He huffs making us both just sigh as we waited on platform 6. Nm would wipe blood from his face from the scratches Spring had given him "The little shit really did a number on me" he groaned as Spring poked his head out of my shirt "Outta luv big guy" he grinned and hid his face again.

After a lonng chat and the prevention of Nm tryina kick Spring's ass we were finally ready to get on the damm train. Spring sat on my lap refusing to stop wiggling and talking loudly. "Nuuu! I'm nut shutin' up youuuu areee!" He said poking my cheek until I scooped him up before I flopped him onto his stomach his legs spread across Nm's lap as Chica was stuck with his feet.

"Ew-" Chica pouted and slid his feet off her "It's making my shirt dirty" she mumbled as Nm huffed "atleast you can slide him off" he mumbled before squeaking when Spring flung a leg up and kicked him in the jaw. I pull Spring away from the two and growl into his ear "Behave or I'll leave you on this train." It was an empty threat but it worked as Spring scooted away and curled up in the corner of the seat pouting for the rest of the ride back.

((Spring is starting to be a bita trouble huh? Wellll we will have alittle more drama in the next chapter wordie counties: 1079

Also- quick shout out to my new Fronnie book: A Bear, A Bunny and A Place [Fronnie Fanfic] Sooo if ya like Fonnie I guess ya could give it a read :> Goldie and Spring will make a surprise appearance later in the story))

Two Broken Hearts (Goldtrap FanFic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя