-|One to many days of School|-

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Spring's pov

*Beep beep bee- Thud!*
I hear a thud "Ahh shit was that my alarm?" I ask myself as I sit up with a yawn rubbing my face and looking at the time 6:30 freezing when I realised it had been beeping away for ten minutes. I jump out of bed gliding across the floor like a God! Before I off my Pj's and rush a hot shower quickly drying myself off with a towel while brushing my teeth I felt to nervous to eat anything so I'll just pack some food incase I get hungry..

I toss on a purple T-shirt and black jeans combing my messy fringe while I pack my bag it was some messy multitasking but it was working I think atleast. Stuffing my books into my bag with some other Bullshit I probably don't need but aways, I walk out into the Living room and yawn grabbing my keys I lock the door behind me. The elevator took it's damm time to get here I jumped in and caught a one stop ride to the bottom of the 50 story building I believe i'm on level 34..

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when the doors opened I quickly slip past the group of 10 people who wanted to cram themselves into the one elevator and make my way into the streets I barely have a clue where I'm going. after 5 minutes I make my way into the train station I feel my eyes slowly widen as this place was huge!! It was mostly underground with a national park on top the colours of the flowers made the place pop like it is eyecandy I think as I look at all the different paths and areas to go.. now I'm nervous which one is for me??

It took longer than I wanted to find my platform, But I found it please I really need a round of applause for finding 'it right in the corner sneaky bastard' I thought as I waited for the next train to arrive.

When it came I saw tons of kids in the first five cabins 'oh boy' I thought as I walked onto the train I saw kids staring at me I didn't care I kept that monotone look and sat down by myself. I choose to look out the window and do a little bit of sight seeing even if this will be my new normal. I used to live in a small neighbour hood where everyone knew eachother someone called the cops on my father when I was found filthy, hungry and abused. I am grateful to whomever had called the cops that day.

Once again I was snapped out of my thoughts when a purple bunny sat next to me he looked around my age "D-do you mind if I sit here?" He asked his ears lowered as I scooted over "No I don't" I kept my tone plain and monotone as he nodded "I'm Bonnie" he held his hand out to shake mine so I took his hand and shook it "Springtrap" I say dully

The rest of the trip to school was quite interesting Bonnie and I talked for a while it was nice to make a friend and get this he's also in my school so he can show me to my classes which is fantastic, he'll show me to the office and get my timetable!

'Today could go smoother than I thought' I think as we got off the train I kept close to Bonnie but not too close just enough so I don't lose him in the crowds soon we make it to the office "Hello I'm here to get my timetable?" I say to the office lady "Well what is your name?" The lady asks as I kept my monotone look "Springtrap" She nodded and handed me my timetable "Thanks" I say before turning to Bonnie.

We found out we had 4 classes in total together English, History, Pdhpe and Science. We discussed this on the way to my locker once we got to it I opened it and put most of my books in there carrying two books for my next to classes as Bonnie and I headed to English.

((Ayy that's this chapter I promise it will get more interesting when the two new friends encounter the bulliesss))

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