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Spring's pov

'I wonder when lunch is' I thought my head resting in my palm as I yawned staring out the window I was sitting next to Chica we talked a bit Bonnie is next to her and they slowly let me drop out of the conversation I'm not much of a talker but eh, who really cares?

I yawned before flinching as I felt a hand on my shoudler I turn to my right to see Chica and Bonnie looking at me "Yes?" I ask as Chica shook her head "He really did space out you owe me 2 dollars" Chica grinned and punched Bonnie's shoulder who whined and held his arm and complained making me raise an eyebrow "Wait you too made a bet based on if I spaced out??" I ask as the two nodded.

I keep a monotone expression as usual though they could see a small amount of disappointment I think. "So you wanna join us for Recess?" Bonnie asks and I nod "Sure why not?" This made Bonnie grin "Yay!" He said making me a small amount confused.

Before I had a chance to ask why he was so keen the bell rang almost making me jump out of my skin. Causing the two to laugh "That got the wind up ya didn't it?" Bonnie grinned as I huffed "Barely" I say crossing my arms. Bonnie knew I wasn't going to admit it so we packed our stuff and walked out of Science and down the halls 9 graders locker's are all on one level and luckily it was on the way to the cafeteria.

"Get rid of your stuff quickly so we can get food before the line is too long!!" Chica said tossing open her locker and tossing everything in her arms into it. I blinked and put my stuff away as Chica grabbed Bonnie's stuff and chucked it into his locker she didn't dare try it to me though.

We were all walking down the hall when I was shoved to the side making me bump into Bonnie I turn to who shoved me I wasn't surprised to see a white fox with pink markings "Watch it creep!" She snapped as I kept the same monotone look "Your the one who push-" I was grabbed by the arm and led away by no other than Chica "Just ignore Mangle" she said as Bonnie followed us.

"She's got something Mangled up here" I say pointing to my head making the two laugh and I actually cracked a grin. It was nice to talk to them as we got our food I settled on a meat pie, milk and carrot slices they lead me to a table that there were two other people sitting at a red fox, and a brown bear I felt a bit nervous but kept my cool walking over with Chica and Bonnie

"Who's this?" The bear asks the two taking a good look at me. I kept my monotone look but I felt nervous "This is Springtrap" Bonnie introduced me as I sure as hell wasn't going to Bonnie and Chica sit down motioning for me to sit in between them so I did munching on a carrot stick as the bear nodded "Nice to meet you Springtrap I'm Freddy and this is Foxy" He greeted warmly catching me off graud I almost choked dying inside I nod "Nice to meet you to" 'why are people so nice??' I think as Foxy crossed his arms.

'Ah one that's not sickingly sweet' I think as I yawn lightly before something clicked in my head "Wait Freddy as in Freddy Fazbear?" I ask as Freddy nodded "how do you know my last name?" He asked a bit surprised "Your mother comes to my apartment every Sunday" I nod as Freddy makes a 'oh' face "No wonder I recognised your name!" Freddy grinned "My mother talks fondly of you" this is when I choked on my carrot sticks Chica hitted by back twice "You okay??" Bonnie asked as I nodded "Yep just didn't expect that" I said sheepishly.

We all laughed even Foxy grinned as we aye our food and chatted the group watching as I shoved over half a meat pie in my mouth at once "Dude your gonna choke-" Foxy said as I shrugged and continued to stuff my face with the damm pie as everyone watched in utter shock and horror.

I finish the pie and looked at them "What?" I asked as they just blinked "Now that was some determination..." Freddy mumbles. I chuckle and crack a small grin "No I was just hungry" I say "Then I'd hate to see you starving" Foxy mutters making me scrowl lightly but no one seemed to notice or they did and didn't bring it up.

Soon the bell rang and the day flew by until History where we got an assessment task and we got partners my luck being my luck I got paired up with some popular idiot that means I'll be doing all the work! I look at my paper to see the name of my partner "Fredbear.." I mutter under my breath as I sink into my chair.

A yellow bear walks up to me and dumps his bag on my work looking down at me as I looked up at him with my monotone look this seemed to annoy him "I'm stuck here don't expect me to work" He huffed sitting down next to me "Never said I did" I mutter earning a look from him but I didn't care.

We arranged for him to come over to my apartment to 'work' or more so him lounge on my couch while I work so his mother don't get suspicious on Sunday so Mrs Fazbear will help us... I hope but I she probably will let's just hope she can get that bear to do some work? Eh what even was his last name?

((End of chapterrr 3!! Goin' strong so far!! I'll update tommorow!! This in total is 1015 words!!))

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