Scene 40 - Totters Lane, 2023

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We return back to Totter's Yard, 2023. Still a miserable old junkyard, we see a policeman wandering through the cold air on his beat at nighttime shining a torchlight at what appears to be the entrance into this junkyard. We replay the opening of not only the story but the series altogether. The policeman arrives at the end of the lane, finding only a wooden gate with the large words "I.M Foreman" marked at the top. Below at the bottom, another well-marked sign of the gate, "76 Totters Lane" catches his attention. The officer tries to gain access to it.

After failing at the first attempt, he leaves the lock to enter. The camera zooms closer to the entrance. It creaks open, and the camera zooms forward to follow the intrigued policeman. The dreary setting of a disused junkyard with a gloominess to it continues to lure him inside this unearthly setting. He hears faint vibrations sounding beside him. To his right, a wheezing, groaning electronic humming loudens.

The camera turns to reveal the sight of a blue, police telephone box sat in the junkyard. The fog around the box dissipates, helping to reveal its stark features more closely. The camera shows a view of the entire police box. Footsteps begin to creek closer to the box. The policeman keeps his wits about himself as he hears the footsteps come closer, and closer. Eventually, the Twelfth Doctor arrives in front of him, startling the officer.


Beg your pardon, sir. May I ask what you're doing out here at this time of night?

Twelfth Doctor:

Just happened to be looking for a police box, officer. They aren't usually about on the streets anymore. Ah, there's one. You found one for me. Well done.

The Officer stops the Twelfth Doctor.


Hey, just a minute. Who are you? And why are you looking for a police box?

Twelfth Doctor:

I have an arrangement to make. If you would allow me to do so, that is.


Well... there's something odd about that box. It's humming. I'm going to have to report this into the station. That there's an unauthorised telephone box on private property.

Twelfth Doctor:

Is it?

The Doctor feels the TARDIS.


I wouldn't recommend touching it, sir.

Twelfth Doctor:

Why? What's it going to do? Now. As I said. I have an arrangement to make. If you could...


You be best to step away from...

The Doctor opens the doors, and the policeman can see from where he stands the internal dimensions of the TARDIS from inside.

Twelfth Doctor:

I have that arrangement to make. If you would be so kind and to watch.

The Twelfth Doctor enters back into his TARDIS and closes the doors. The ship materialises away in front of the policeman. The officer stares in awe at the TARDIS as it fades away in front of him. We cut to inside the 12th Doctor's TARDIS, where we see Clara joining him by the console.

Thank you, Clara. For being here.


No worries. We might all need you, but from time to time, you need us.

Twelfth Doctor:

A gentle reminder of who I am. And where we stand for. Why we are who we are.


And what sets us out in the universe.

Twelfth Doctor:

To discover. To fight. Or to heal. Above and beyond. All of us.

The TARDIS lands, and we see the 12th Doctor and Clara wander to the doors.


Where are we?

Twelfth Doctor:

To meet them.



Twelfth Doctor:

Who? The Doctor. Doctor Who.

The Doctor and Clara step out and arrive at a position where we see the previous Doctors and all that lies behind them with various aspects of their era behind them. We see this from Doctors 1-12 in the identical format to that of the Doctors emerging from Gallifrey with all the companions and monsters standing triumphantly behind them. We hear majestic music play as we see all the Doctors stand together with their TARDISs all joined together in an epic fashion, rounding off the 60th Anniversary of "Doctor Who".

The end titles show the title sequence used for the start of the adventure, and after the use of a few slides for the cast and crew, we see the faces of the Doctors flash through to us. The theme music is a beefed-up version of the evolution of the theme tune over 60 years going from the original Delia Derbyshire version to the 2014 Murray Gold version. The Doctors are credited first, followed by the companions, main antagonists, then other cast members. All credits are given to the owners of various antagonists, the theme music to the program, as well as the creators of "Doctor Who".


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