Scene 33 - Trying To Help Me

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More tremors and explosions occur on Gallifrey, throwing the Twelfth Doctor and Clara to the ground. The Tenth Doctor has broken free from the Matrix and falls onto the top of the Capitol. He gets up and sees the devastation unfold on Gallifrey in front of him. The vibrations force him down on the ground again. He hears the sound of a voice calling to him.


Doctor! Doctor!

Tenth Doctor:


He then goes to investigate. The farce played by Rassilon and Omega continue. We then see other Doctors appear in the caves again. A loud and annoying Doctor appears, playing the trumpet loudly. Another Doctor performs theatrical tricks and presents himself confidently. The next Doctor shown presents himself as a strong and dominant leader.

Loud Doctor:

Walla! How's that for a tune of music?

Theatrical Doctor:

I always believed the arts of performing upstage was a far more engaging production. Music may have the sound of energy and power, but performance allows one to feel so fulfilled into his play.

Leader Doctor:

That was all just right, boys. I am Doctor John Smith. Commander in chief of the Gallifrey Space Police.

Loud Doctor:


Second Doctor:

Part of the establishment, I see. Gallifrey hardly changes.

Leader Doctor:

Compared to our organisation, Gallifrey is a united and fighting combat force that is dedicated to saving lives in grave danger. Without an agenda, nor without political implications. Our equipment is way ahead of its time. In the wrong hands, it could be utilised to destroy life.

Theatrical Doctor:

What a performance. Such storytelling. Creativity, and imagination.

The parallel Doctor and his companions Crystal and Crosby, who previously appeared in Century 22's War Head story appear.

War Head Doctor:

As we can relate to.


Our organisation is dedicated to preventing the evil forces from bringing the universe to absolute destruction.

Eleventh Doctor:

Yes, I believe we have met before.

Second Doctor:

Oh really?


Look out!

The Doctors turn about to where we see the parallel War Lords from where the War Head Doctor and his companions know.


Recruiting new members I see? Very inconspicuous it seems.

War Head Doctor:

We're not finished with you just yet.

The War Head Doctor and General put their monocles on and begin to engage in a mental challenge. The other Doctors step away.

Ninth Doctor:

We have no idea what reality they come from.

Second Doctor:

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