Scene 25 - Saving Them

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The Brigadier, Captain Yates, Sergeant Benton, Sarah Jane Smith, Harry Sullivan, and Kate Stewart continue to roam across the eerie domain of the fairground as the brightness dims around them further.

Sergeant Benton:

I still haven't seen anything.

Kate Stewart sees an Angel standing by one of the rides. When she freaks out when she sees one, Kate is forced to shut her eyes and blink so the Weeping Angel disappears.

Kate Stewart:

Where's it gone now?

Captain Yates:

Sir! Over there.

More Angels sit on the rides of the fairground around them. More sit around the other side of them. Harry Sullivan sees ahead of them a thin blue haze.

Harry Sullivan:

Over there! That blue haze!

Sarah Jane:

Well that's what the Doctor meant.

The Brigadier and his two men grab their guns.


You lead the way, Sullivan. My men and I will keep you covered.

Harry Sullivan:


Sarah, Harry, and Kate lead the way as they hurry through the passage as the blue haze thickens. The rides creepily start to begin as the Weeping Angels begin to ride around on them. The darkness helps to cover them as they begin to move. Celestial music from the rides commences.


Captain Yates, Sergeant Benton, those chaps with the wings there. Five rounds rapid.

Captain Yates:

Never thought I'd be firing against a statue, sir.


Believe me, Captain Yates. You'll be up against opposition beyond your wildest imagination.

The Weeping Angels continue to move in closer all around them, closing in.


BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! The bullets break off the stone of the Angels, and harm them so the Brigadier and his men can follow after Sarah and the others. They continue to follow the stream, before they find it at the end a passage down at the bottom to the other rides. A bright essence of blue fizzing Artron energy is situated at the back.

Sarah Jane:

There it is, Harry. That's it.

A Weeping Angel quickly arrives behind them.

Kate Stewart:

Huh! Oh God. Oh God. They're coming for it.

The rides quicken, as more Angels begin to attack. The Brigadier and his men continue to fend off the Angels as best they can. The Brigadier shoots at the Angel that snuck up behind the others and destroys it with a shot.

Harry Sullivan:

Brigadier, come on!

The Brigadier and the others follow. Any Weeping Angel that comes around them they shoot at. More rides continue to show menacing Angels pursuing after them as the flickering lights and the dark shadows continue to allow the Angels to swarm. Sarah and Harry reach to the artron energy. Kate arrives shortly after.

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