Scene 3 - Gallifrey

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We cut to view Gallifrey - the citadel of the Time Lords. Standing over the continent of wild endeavour on the mountains of Solace and Solitude, the Capitol stands tall and proud. The high council of the Time Lords is based in the Capitol on Gallifrey. The camera passes through the citadel of the Time Lords, as the President of Gallifrey strides through to the High Council with purpose. Romana II has returned as President. She walks with purpose to the meeting with the High Council whilst the other members, dressed with the Sash of Rassilon, and Gallifreyan robes with the Seal of Rassilon. Chancellors, Castellan, Cardinals, and other Prydonian Cardinals await for her arrival. They wait anxiously for the session to begin. Leela is present at the meeting. K-9 MK2 is placed on a stand so he may suggest his comments on the serious discussion that is about to take place. The members of the High Council wait for President Romana's arrival. She enters and her seat is opened for her by a Chancellery Guard. Once sat down, she opens the meeting.

Cardinal Avien:

This meeting among the members of the High Council is now in session.

Romana II:

Get immediately to the point. Who are they. And why do they come.

Chancellor Sharm:

We may assume their intentions are hostile, Lord President. The cluster of a fleet of infamously established alien races suggests only damning verdicts.

Romana II:

Then what do we intend to do about it? Sit back and let it grow. Where else on the edge of the universe would a fleet of spaceship be marching up for?

Chancellor Sharm:

Indeed, your highness. But our history has proven our track record of...

Romana II:

I'm not interested in our history, Chancellor Sharm. Gallifrey is being threatened. We first needed to understand who they are. If you, Leela, were able to report our findings.


Certainly. K-9?


Affirmative, mistress Leela.

An image displays on the screen of the various alien ships clustering around the edge of the universe. These ships range from Dalek Saucers, to Cyber War Ships, and Sontaran battle fleets.


Our information provides us with positive proof that there not only Daleks are beginning to swarm at the furthest edge of the universe, but Cybermen and Sontarans are also conglomerating in strategic positions around our universe.

Cardinal Avien:

As we are still learning more about the end of the universe from where we have been repositioned from, it may also be possible that our sensors are not picking up other positional activities our enemies seek to plot from.


Current estimations; 3,000 Dalek saucers and calculating. 1,500 Cyber War ships. Sontaran battle fleets consisting of 2,000 individual pod vessels and increasing.

Romana II:

If that isn't a call for war, then what else is it?

Chancellor Sharm:

Begging your pardon, for the intrusion, Lord President, but no other forms of extra-terrestrial life would have known of where our position in time and space lies. How could such beings know possibly of where we have come?

Romana II:

Someone has, Chancellor. And that information has placed the fate of my people in jeopardy all over again.

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