07• Our charmy life

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It had been three days since I had the conversation with Ruby. The continuous visit to the hospital was tiresome and the worst experience. It wasn't comfortable — I slept on the side couch when father's condition worsened.

Although it was rare and the hospital was luxurious, the sound of sirens at night caused my anxiety to increase. The cries of families that filled the hallway every day was never an experience I would want to relive.

My father might have been in a critical situation, but it was better than the others that I had seen. I lowered the volume of the show that had been airing on TV for the past two hours. Father was soundly asleep, which he was the majority of the time. The warm weather from the open window felt like a genuine whisper to relax.

I quickly stood up, then packed the empty bowls and walked out of the hospital room. The busy hallway was filled with cries and medical assistants who rushed across the room. On the other side, there was a space of elderly people that had their attention fixed on the magazines.

I was about to walk out of the large exit door when I heard a familiar voice call out my name.

"Aurora, what are you doing here?"

I quickly turned, then stared at the smartly dressed Linyu, who walked toward me with ease. For a second, I thought of avoiding him — which failed because our eyes unfortunately met. I rubbed the bridge of my nose — a reasonable lie popped in my mind, which caused me to relax as a smile crossed my face.

"Lovely day, isn't it?" I mentally facepalmed myself. This wasn't what I had spent the last thirty seconds planning. A creepy smirk appeared on his face, and that made way to the hug that followed. I tried my best to hold the freaked out expression that was clearly on my face, but that changed when I heard him whisper a charming greeting.

I wouldn't say that I'm infatuated by him because I find every attractive guy — attractive and charming; and hence crush material. That, except Noel, who made me wish I could be a perfect girlfriend material. Perfect omega girlfriend material would be cute and shy, but a little wild and notorious. That would be according to Noel's omega fan clubs that I had read. It was quite the opposite to the alpha girlfriend fans.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked.

"The perfect girlfriend material fan fictions." I noticed Linyu's confused expression, which made me realize what I had said. "I meant, the novel that I read."


"You don't believe me?" I stared at the upper right of the room as I tried to avoid his gaze. The gestures made by my hands were quite the opposite of what I meant.

"I'll believe you if you accept to go to lunch with me." Linyu shyly stared at the floor, then warmly smiled. He seemed so warm-hearted and genuinely kind.

"This is not good." I crossed my arms across my chest.

"What is?"

Victoria advised me to avoid Linyu, and could what she narrated about his behaviour be true too? I have known him for several weeks, and he seemed kind so far. Apart from the incident at Corbella and his friendly, charismatic personality — Linyu wouldn't have taken advantage of anyone.

"Aurora?" But, if what she said was true — wouldn't giving him a benefit of a doubt also benefit my curiosity?

"Aurora, what's on that mind of yours?" I flinched when a cold hand made contact with my shoulder. "Sorry, but are you okay?"

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