04• Our cute mess

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It was another day at the prestigious Hillcrest Academy, unlike other days, Monday was the beginning of a stressful week. We started the day with a morning assembly and multiple speeches delivered by the head of departments. Further announcements about the midterm tests this week and a two-week study break later.

In most situations, I would be freaked out by the sudden test table, considering the fact that our tests started tomorrow. But, I have prepared extra hard this year, and it would be a shame for my name not to be in the top 5. Jasmine, Noel, and Victoria always made it to the top three. The order is different most of the time because nobody took the first position for two terms straight.

"Ugh." I playfully hit my pen on the laptop. Self study classes were so boring, but lucky enough, we were advised to carry personal devices for study purposes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

"Did you hear about the regional youth camp?" I heard the girl in front whisper to her friend.

"Oh my gosh, who hasn't? They say Noel's group mates will be there too." She smiled happily.

"Chantel is the hottest in the trio." Her friend gasped, then moved her red locs behind her ear.

"Ugh, Noel has a charming vibe, did you watch his Tedtok interview?" She giggled, "He is such a gentleman. The way he attentively stared at the interviewer with that eye contact moment. Uhh!"

"She was blushing so hard!" They both laughed, "They say that he is the perfectionist of the group."

"It's sad that Chantel is in class 2, his grades are so average. I guess Ruki still skips classes." The person next to the red haired girl added on.

"Ruki keeps holding on to his bad boy image." She responded.

A regional young camp? I haven't heard of it, could it be why the charity organization needed so many volunteers? I let out a low growl and wished I had not applied. Not only that, but I should have read that job description.

With my back that was sore from the previous night's workouts, I forced myself to bend while my head rested on the medium-sized table. At that moment, my body relaxed and I dozed off.

I heard footsteps that became louder as time passed, with an irritated frown – I covered my head with the spread textbook closest to me. It took some seconds later before I felt a hand slightly raise the book off my face. "Hmm?" I frowned, then turned my head.

"Aurora?" I heard my name whispered below my ear. The warm breath left goosebumps on my skin, I slowly opened my left eye, then immediately shut it. Noel? What is he doing here?

"Can you wake up for a minute?" He moved closer, at the same time, I hurriedly wiped the nonexistent drool on my dry lips. I could feel the class' intense stares on us, even though I had not opened my eyes.

"Hey, you!" He poked my cheek, then pinched hard. "She's really deep asleep in class?" The confusion in his voice was so evident, but he continued twisting my check with a pen.

"Hmm, who is that?" I moved backwards to stretch, at the same moment, Noel moved closer. In that split second, I felt moist, soft skin against my cheek. He quickly pulled his lips away as he class erupted into shocked gasps and recordings.

"I-I'm sorry." He seemed flushed, and a blush was visible through his loose hair. "It was a mistake, can you hand in your assignment?" Noel reacted so suddenly that, unlike him, I was stuck reliving the past two minutes.

It was when I noticed the flashlights from the cameras that I hid my face with my bag. Without hesitation, I took out the weekend assignment and gave it to me. I heard another apology as he left all the attention to me. Before he could walk out of the class, a group of girls raced towards my desk with their gossip expression.

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