11• Our real colours

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It was finally the third day of the camping week, which meant that I had two days to tolerate the torture of the wild. As usual, I followed the same prescribed routine that had stuck in my mind for the past two days. I walked through the hot, afternoon sun that burnt my skin — when I arrived at the centre of the camp, I noticed the excited crowd. Further ahead were instructors who grouped everyone into five.

I quickly moved past the place to find a similar face to be grouped with. When I was at the other end, my eyes met Noel's figure, who happened to have stood at the front. He had his attention on the paper in his hand whilst his back rested against the bark of a tree. His expression was relaxed as he spoke to the two individuals beside him, who keenly paid attention.

My attention was fully centered on him that the random warm fingers that touched my shoulders caused me to flinch upon contact. A sudden giggle echoed in my ear — it was a sound from the girl beside me. Immediately, I turned, then stared at the ginger haired girl with freckles that were highlighted by the sun.

"Eva—ngeline?" I was very convinced that my expression of confusion and shock was clearly displayed on my sweaty face. It really was the hottest day that I had ever experienced. I wiped the trace of sweat with the handkerchief before a soft smile crossed my face.

"Hey, how have you been?" Evangeline always had the smile of an angel, which was an unfair addition to her innocent demeanour. She poked her cheek, then slowly taped her lips as she tilted her head. "Hm? You have been looking at me for a while."

"Oh?" I blinked before I nodded, "I'm okay. You?"

It was weird because it was the first time that she and I had a direct conversation. I sighed, my thoughts drained by her presence. She was indeed the type of girl that most people would find attractive, maybe Noel— No, last night might have meant something to him. My thumbs rubbed against each other as I took a long breath.

"I couldn't feel any better." She smiled, "You look different."

"Different?" My eyes widened at her sudden comment. It was a reaction that I was used to, hence her surprise felt normal. Moreover, Noel commented the same when he first met me after school. Potentially, it was finally time that I changed my school appearance.

"Yes, prettier." Prettier than what? I stared at the tree where Noel had been, which was empty. I bit my lower lip, then focused my gaze on her. "Not in a bad way, it's just that you look different at school. I- forget it."

I watched her panicked gestures as she calmly hit her forehead, then continued. "I had been looking for you."


"Yes, I saw your name on the red marked volunteers." She paused, "we have an issue; one of the volunteers in my team went home last night because of an urgent call."

I slowly moved forward, the crowd had become fewer due to individuals dispersing into groups. I had a few more individuals that were ahead of me, and that was the time that I required to listen to Evangeline. "That's sad, I guess."

"Um, would you mind working with us for the next two days? We can double the pay because it would be a call of convenience." I clearly noticed the doubt in her tone, which she tried to mask with confidence.

Fortunately for her, she had mentioned the key word of what I needed. A double pay would be helpful when class commenced. "Okay, I'll start tomorrow."

"Really?" Evangeline excitedly clapped her hands, then held mine. "Thank you so much. You should pass by the youth executive team at six in the morning." Thereafter, she left as I stood dumbfounded by her last words.

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