Part 23

149 6 3

Oh god.

She forgives me?

Thats scary.

Not her forgiveness, that is expected of someone so clean and pure like her, so innocent and untainted by sin.

But the fact she has to forgive me.

I do not deny what I have done wrong, I am not BASIL, I am past that.

But I didn't think she'd remember.


I need to calm down.

That might not even be what she is talking about. It could've been about what I did to BASIL, it could've been another one of my many sins. 

"For... what? I've done so much wrong... which thing do you forgive me for?" I ask, my voice shaky, I am on the verge of tears. 

"Everything you need forgiven for." She says, her voice soft and gentle, her eyes still warm and moist as she stares at me.

Her eyes are like puppy dog eyes, warm and sweet and forgiving no matter what. It's an unconditional sibling love, it's a love I don't deserve, but nevertheless will receive as long as my dear sister stays alive, which I swear on my life she will. I will be gentle, I will care for her, I will let no harm come to her.

Her answer is perfect, it is kind and gentle, it is delivered with perfect grace, but I am still left itching, wondering.

Does MARI know?

(218 words)

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