Pt 8

337 6 6

TW- Talk about Suicide.


BASIL was planning to kill himself.

The thought hits like a pound of bricks.

It feels like an eternity, but we do end up at the hospital.

I ask to see BASIL, but I can't.

BASIL is getting his stomach pumped.

According to HERO, he tried to overdose on something by taking the whole bottle of a few different things.

His depression meds.

His anxiety meds.




And on top of that, tried to slit his wrists.

Sorry, let me correct myself.

On top of that, he slit his wrists.

He was found in his bathtub, unconscious. Empty pill bottles lay on the sink counter. Bloodied razor blades, a couple around the sink, two on the floor, and one in his limp hand, the blood adorning it still wet.

POLLY opened the door to go to the bathroom, and found it locked. She asked if someone was inside, expecting a response from BASIL. But it was silent.

She found the door locked, and was getting worried. She ended up using a butter knife to unlock the lock, revealing a nearly dead BASIL.

She drove him to the hospital, going as fast as her car could go, praying she wasn't too late.

BASIL might not live.

Why is everyone in our friend group dying? MARI, now BASIL, and next it will be me. Who will be the next to go? Is KEL ok? HERO? AUBREY?

I stay in the hospital all night.

(222 words)

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