Pt 11

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I left the room in a hurry, ashamed of everything. What I'd said to him right there, what I'd said to him the day before, how I wasn't there for him, how I never picked up on the signs, how I abandoned him.

How could I've been so stupid as to see bleeding flesh and not apply a bandage?

I mean it in a both literal and metaphorical sense.

The signs were there.


And I chose to ignore.

What to do now?

Go back to my room?

Let guilt eat me until I am nothing but a fragile shell of who I once was?

And what will become of them?





Why doesn't MARI just wake up?

Why did this have to happen?

Why was I so stupid as to argue with her?

Why was I so stupid as to lay my hands upon her?

Why was I so stupid as to ignore the problems that lay before me?

Why was I so stupid?

And even now, I am still stupid.

Although four years has gone by, I am still pathetic and childish. Have my dreams made me soft? No, what a foolish thought. I've always been soft, relying on my friends to help me. And I couldn't even be there for one friend when they needed help.

Maybe I'm better off dead.

It'd certainly be easier than dealing with all of this.

Just a sharp knife.

And a quick stab through the stomach.

And you are left in your own blood, in your own pain.

But fear not, it was deserved.

The pain you feel then is only half as much as the pain your friends have felt throughout the years.

And then you are no more.

KEL gently grabs my arm, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"We're all gonna go back home. Do you want to come back with us?" KEL asks.

I nod my head. Words are to hard right now.

"AUBREY and KIM are going to be there as well." KEL informs me.

I nod again. It doesn't matter.

We all hop in HERO'S car. KIM and AUBREY ride in the back seat. KEL and I don't want to separate from each other, so we hop in the trunk. The car is shaky, but so am I. KEL holds onto my arm the whole time, and I don't know who he intended to comfort, himself or I.


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