Chapter 17

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We're sitting at the table waiting for Seth to come down and join us and I'm literally so nervous it's driving me crazy

"Are you okay?" Decker asked

"Um yeah just feeling a little awkward and nervous if I'm being honest" I say

"You don't have to be just relax" he says and smiles at me and then we see Seth appear

"Good morning guys" he says
And sits down and I just turn to put the food on the table so I can calm down

"This looks amazing Beth thank you!" Seth says and smiles

We all start eating and it's pretty silent and I'm grateful for it because my stomach is eating me alive

"This was delicious I love breakfast" Decker says

"Its the best meal of the day that's for sure" Seth laughs and I nod

"I'm glad you enjoyed your meal I did bring your gift Seth lemme grab it" I say getting up and going to the couch to grab it and hand it to him

"Thanks bethy but I hope you know I'll love whatever you give me!" Seth says

He starts to open the gift and first pulls out the two pictures I framed for him one of me and him in the 5th grade and the other of him me and Decker at the club top picture is us smiling and the other is us three of us looking at each other smiling that kate took and I smile because I can tell he emotions are all over the place

"Oh my Bethy where did you find this? How? I love this thank you!" he says and he shows them to Decker and puts them down

"You're welcome um I saved that picture of us in my albums and we'll the other I added and thought you'd love a copy but there more in there" I say

Seth pulls out all, his favorite things from candy, his favorite cds because he loves collecting them, and tickets to his favorite museum and place to eat.

"There's three tickets in here!" Seth says confused

"Yes because I know they are your favorite things but I know you also love to share what you love with the people closest to you and I knew Decker would be one of those and I couldn't not inclue him" I say

"Thank you Bethy you have no idea how happy and special all this made me feel this all of it is wonderful but I owe you an apology" he says

"Seth it's your birthday and please let me say my peace first I'm sorry for the way I acted I thought pushing you and Decker away even if it meant hurting you was better then me feeling anything or losing you but in the end I did both and everyday since It happened I regretted it I can't talk to my best friend and neither could I talk to Decker who made his way into my life so quickly it was terrible" I say

"Beth I'm sorry yes i was hurt I mean it was obvious  to you and everyone around me I didn't really hide it but that shouldn't excuse how rude I was to you at my surprise party I thought when I think to myself I'd be able to act normal if I saw you but one look at the beautiful face of yours I was back to feeling like my heart was crushed and rejected again as it was in your bakery I may have pretended as I didn't care or miss you but that was the very opposite which is why I tried to push everything you offered away because If I was crumbling just by looking at you how could I deal if I let you back in" Seth says

"Beth I understand you were scared I completely get that but I wish you would trust in us that hurting you wasn't something we would do in the matter of months  you've made me feel things that I thought was never possible and you accepted me with what I do for a living and didn't judge me you actually loved it and embraced it with me I didn't want to hurt you the other day I just got annoyed when I think about what we missed out on when you wouldn't listen" Decker says

"I know and you both are right I wasn't listening I just kept shutting down anything you both had to say but I was in shock I mean imagine you sleep with your best friend who is gay and then he just telling you he loves you it put me back to feeling like being played and I'm not going to lie this confuses me like what would we do?" I ask

"I wasn't trying to tell you that I didn't love Decker I do but Beth I love you too and you know I couldn't sleep with you if I didn't feel anything thats not how I work and you know that through and through and I've spoken to Decker and he has feelings for you too I knew it I mean everyone could see the spark between the both of you and I was happy" Seth says

"I feel things for both of you too but I'm scared but I don't like how I was before either without both of you around is absolutely worse" I say honestly speaking

The phone then rings and Seth excuses himself to pick it up and me and Decker talk a little he's asked how I've been doing and I question what they have been up too and we see Seth come back in

"Hey what's up?" Decker questions

"Um that was Ella apparently ive been invited to Italy for a fashion show benefit and weekend extravaganza" Seth says

"Oh cool thats going to be fun when do you leave? I ask hoping it's In a few days because I'd like to be around both of them

"Today actually I should start packing Ella coming in an hour and I was thinking how about y'all come with" Seth says

"Sounds cool I'm in!" Decker says easily

To an extravaganza of fashion designers and celebrities that means paparazzi I'm so nervous but I need to push my self out there show them I care so I take a deep breath

"Yeah I've never been to Italy there's a first time for everything" I say and Seth smiles and gives me a hug and Decker joins in god I've missed them

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