Chapter 6

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"I loved your performance I mean you probably get that all the time but you are so talented so mesmerizing especially on stage you keep people in a trance you should've seen everyone" I say

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"I loved your performance I mean you probably get that all the time but you are so talented so mesmerizing especially on stage you keep people in a trance you should've seen everyone" I say

"Oh thank you I'm glad you enjoyed it makes a person feel amazing to hear such compliments so what brings you by tonight?" he ask

"Celebrating my friends Promotion I'm so glad she brought us here actually I was scared of coming but happy I did
... Shit you didn't need to know that" I say

"Haha it's okay refreshing and well congratulations to your friend pretty and well people do love coming here for the performances so it's not when people love your creativity" he says

"Well I can definitely tell you the crowds loved it you should be proud" I say

"Thank you would you like a drink?" He ask

"Uh yes this what I actually came for I almost actually walked back without a drink thanks for reminding me" I say

"No problem what would you like me to order for you?" He ask

"A red bull and vodka my favorite actually" I say

"Mhmm a woman with a defined taste I love that one moment love" he says and goes speaks to the Bar tender and he comes back with two drinks and hands it over

"Thank you" i say smiling at him and I finally take a good look at him other then he can get out of character very easily he's dressed impeccably well and smells so good but as weird as it sounds he's beautiful in character and out of character I think to myself and I'm about to tell him something when we are interrupted

"I was wondering where you were? you've been gone for 30 minutes thats kind of rude on girls night and whose this lovely gentleman?" Bria asked

"I told her you'd be back and of course she slips through my hands" Kate says

"I'm not surprised and I was coming back I was just having a two person conversation" I say

"Sorry I kept Beth we were having a great time talking you know it happens" he says smiling at her and then I get even more annoyed with my sister she can never leave me alone

"Oh it's okay well you are very handsome so I don't blame her for trying what brings you here?" bria ask

"I'm here for a good time I was having that with Beth and this place has amazing performances and thank you that's nice of you!" he says

"I bet my girl Beth is great and yes this place has an amazing vibe we're actually here to celebrate our friend Morgan remember Bria we're getting her a drink and going back" Kate says

"Let me get them for you I'll be back okay" Beth he says looking at me with a smile

"Why do I have to go back if Beth doesn't!" bria complains

"Are you really that dumb that man wants Beth gosh you're such a selfish bitch" Kate says

"Please why would you think that he's being friendly and I'm the one who wanted a hook up tonight not y'all so I don't understand" Bria says

"Bria pipe the fuck down and yes we were having a great time without you now back the fuck down I'm coming back just having fun" I say to her

"That's not how people are claimed have you kissed him yet and will you actually take him to bed" Bria says

"Yes we actually have and it was phenomenal also maybe I will I'll let you know all the details in the morning since you are so curious" I say with attitude and she just rolls her eyes

"Here you go ladies your drinks and tell your friend congratulations to her!" He says

"Thank you that's so sweet of you what catch you are!" Bria says

"Beth did you enjoy what we were doing?" He ask me and I'm confused but of course I go along with it id love to keep talking to him

"Yes its been fun" I say smiling at him and he winks at me
"good I'm glad we both agree" he says and then looks directly into my eyes and next thing I know our lips are locked and we're kissing gosh his lips are so soft I feel tingles all over my body

"Well I think it's time we get this back to Morgan!" and my sister walks with an angry attitude

"Enjoy each other you too seems like you are already good at it" kate says and claps

And then finally he comes up for air and my eyes open and go wide and he smiles at me

"Um you didn't have to do that!" I say

"I heard what you said to your sister and she was quite annoying not trying to be rude but she wouldn't catch a hint and not leave and you said we kissed so why not" he says.

"Oh I didn't mean for you to hear that I just wanted her to stop and leave but thanks is what I can say" I tell him

"Trust it was my pleasure pretty!" he smiles and winks
So we keep on talking and laughing together and then I notice it's been an hour and I should get back to my friends

"I loved spending time with you but I should get back to my friends" I say

"No problem pretty i should meet my friend too enjoy the rest of your night" he says and walks away while I wave and head back

"Well look whose back did you have fun with Mr impeccably handsome, you must have since the lip locking was intense. did you get his number?" kate asked

"It was a nice kiss and no I'm sure he's gay he was just helping me out he is lady bleu you know !" I say

"The way y'all we're tangled up in each other no way he doesn't like women you should've wrote number be adventurous Beth!" Kate says

"I think kissing him was adventurous enough now let's dance and keep my night happy since I pissed of Bria" I say laughing and we both go to the other side with my brother and Morgan

My phone starts to vibrate and I check to see who it is and it's Seth so I read the text 

Hey I loved seeing you at my shop  and was wondering if you want to have lunch with me tomorrow and catch up my treat!

I then start typing and smiling I'm so excited to reconnect with Seth he was a great friend when we were younger

Sounds like a plan send me time and place and I'll be there :) I reply and put my phone bsck and look up

"What was that?" Kate asked

"Oh just Seth asking me to go to lunch tomorrow, I said yes i tell her!" and shrug my shoulder

"Girl you are on a roll two man wanting you i love to see it!" she says and does a little dance

"Kate they're gay now stop you're litterally imagining a porn scenario in your head!" I say laughing

"Who gay?" my brother Eli ask

"No one there's just Two HOT men who want your sister bad and she's in denial lemme explain!" Kate says and I roll my eyes to Kate tell Eli the story and my thoughts wonder about today could you actually imagine if that would be true how funny

Decker pov

I walk to the bar and see Oliver and he looks at me with smile and smash my lips against him

"Hey whoa what was that for? Not that I don't enjoy!" he asked

"You always come for me and support and my performance went well.. how about we get out of here and finish this" I say

"Absolutely your place or mine?" he ask

"How about mine and I'll make you a late dinner after our activities!" I tell him and we walk out hand in hand

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