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We went on a mission yesterday and didn't do anything at all. Just Khun Kinn saw something which terrified him, by looking at him i thought he was about to die any minute.

I am all loaded up with work today. Arm and Pol are on vacation so i have to switch their places. Pete is at minor family for freaking 1 month. The only person left with me is Big. He is assigned to do Khun Kinn some work and be with the youngest Theerapanyankul son Khun Kim.

Porchay my sweet little brother I'm missing him soo much even he is in the same house as me but i don't get that much time to spend with him. Even if i ask leave for sometime, they would still get me tons of work.

It was my choice to be here on the first place and now i can't turn back. They have been good to me and now i can't leave them all of sudden.

During work time, i barely eat and sleep at night. The amount of work they handed me is too much to take at once.

Just three days left till Arm and Pol will comeback. I have to bear with work and Khun Thankun by myself.

Thankun the eldest, Kinn the middle, Kim the youngest. Three Theerapanyankul mafia with different personality and character. Whenever i look at them, i never feel they are siblings. Khun Thankun likes to tease Khun Kinn and scold Khun Kim for nothing. Khun Kinn doesn't like to be with Khun Thankun and Khun Kim but loves them with his whole heart and then comes the youngest Khun Kim he is never at home, he would visit his father and attend some meetings which is basically he is dragged into.

Let the mafia heads be, i don't care how they are in terms. Good/Bad i don't care. I was pretty much having fun with Khun Kinn but now I'm with Khun Thankun. It's not like i hate him, he is soo joyful than anyone here but he triggers me every-time.

Watching the same 80's movies again and again. From the past three days he is continuously watching the same movie Enola Holmes again and again with subtitles. The movie is good but watching the same thing again and again is kinda boring. Well, i can't say much to him as he is my boss for now tho.

I was like working on my laptop for past 4 hours and now I'm losing my appetite. Let's take a break for half-hour and then continue back to the work. I'm hungry also so let's get some food too.

I grabbed some snacks from the kitchen and went back to the room and sat on my bed. I was staring at the wall whole eating and questions build up inside me. They were pretty weird but i need answers to my question now. Being curious all of the sudden is new to me, i have never been curious about something stupid in my life.

I went to Khun Kinn to have my phone back for sometime. Pete gave me a number when he left to minor family. The only person who can answer my questions is Pete so i need to talk with him.

I knocked on the door and the door unlocked by the smiley Kinn. It was bit odd but i just didn't think about that much

"What are you doing here?"

"I need my phone"


"I want to talk to Pete"

"About what?"

"I miss him"

"Well that's good you miss him but no-need to call him at this time"

"May I ask why?"

"He is on the mission"


"Um yes"

"Keep lying to my face, i need my phone"

"Why are you soo stubborn?"

"Give me or else"

"Or else what?"

"I will resign from the job"

"Ughh fine"

He gave back my phone and i went back to my room. I dialed the number and finnally he picked up after 2 calls


"Hello. Who is this?"

"It's me Porsche"

"Ey Porsche how are you?"

"Good I guess how about you?"

"I'm okay too"

"I miss you"

"My dear friend i will be back soon and yes i miss you too"

"I don't think you do"


"You forgot about me while you were busy with Khun Vegas"

"Well yeah i was busy with him but that doesn't mean i didn't miss you"

"Ok so i need some help"


"I have few questions on my mind and I'm curious to know their answers"

"Ok then go ahead"

"So here is the thing Khun Kinn and I went on a mission to do something but when we go there, we didn't do anything and just came back"

"Why would you come back from a mission?"

"I don't know, I mean he just saw something which terrified him like i seriously thought i have to take his dead body home"

"Khun Kinn saw something which terrified him. What do you mean by that?"

"If i think about it, i think he saw a person and also he whispered a name"

"What name?"

"Something like Taehyun or Tawan"



"Porsche do you know who Tawan is?"


"He is Khun Kinn's ex"



"Tell me about him"

"Well here is thing Tawan and Khun Kinn used to study together at high-school and Khun Kinn used to be alot sensitive, he would get attached to anything soo easily. So, he falled in love with Tawan and Tawan took that advantage to be in Khun Kinn's life. Tawan never liked Khun Kinn, he just used him for his money and everything. He used to come and meet Khun Kinn at home and just then Khun Thankun came to know about his real intentions when he saw Tawan with some Italians telling them about major and minor family. Khun Kinn didn't know anything about it at all but Vegas told him everything to you know break Khun Kinn's heart. Khun Kinn was heartbroken but to save his family reputation he shooted Tawan"

"Well then how is he alive?"

"I don't know, I'm also in deep thoughts how is he still living!"


"By the way Porsche where did Khun Kinn saw him?"

"At the club where only business partners and major and minor usually comes"

"What the hell?"


"Tawan is not our business partner so that means he is working with one of our business partners"

"Pete you've messed up my mind by this Tawan story"

"Whatever. Anything else!"

"Nah! I should get back to work now"

"Hm By"


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