Chapter 34

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My body froze as Adrian ran inside, and touched my arm. I am frozen in fear at the right I am seeing before me. The man I thought was dead, walking and talking as if nothing happened. Adrian's first instinct was to pull me behind him. Which he did. Adrain knew Damien, and he knew it wasn't a joke for him to be standing and talking to me. But Damien averts his eyes to Adrian, who now has his gun out in front of him. In a serious standing.

"Adrian, Nephew, it is so good to see you again," Damien says. He looks weak, and barely able to stand. But he was armed, and I was scared for Adrian. What Damien pulled the trigger? And hit Adrian. Adrain backs up, making me back up.

"What are you doing here Damien, you are supposed to be dead," Adrian says. Damien chuckles and it soon turns into a cough. If Damien wasn't dead, someone must have helped him after we left.

''On the contrary, I am alive, wounded, but alive, and I came here to tell her, it's time for her to pay up," He said. Adrian shakes his head.

"You will not touch her Damien, as her protector I will kill you if you touch her,'' he says. Damien grins. He wasn't taking it. I knew shooting Damien was too good to be true. If he was alive, did he know Lee was helping us all along?

"Don't worry I'm talking about her," Damien says, Faith somehow barges around me, getting in front of Adrian. And growling at Damien.

Damien chuckles pointing the gun at Faith. But I scream out telling him to stop, and not to do it. But before he gets a chance to pull the trigger, Adrian fires his gun and hits Damien in the shoulder, making him drop his gun. But Damien bends down quickly trying to pick it up.

My first instinct is to yell for Dad. So I step out the door yelling for him and Dwayne. Adrian's gun was loud enough to cause a commotion, and before I could think, Wes and Dwayne ran down the hall looking at me, Adrian had Damien pinned on the ground with Faith by his side.

I see Derek running down after Dwayne and Wes with Dad on their heels, and the girls behind him. Noah instantly saw me in panic mode, and everything from the moments before had washed away. Noah scoots past everyone, shoving even Derek and Wes aside, and runs straight for me, grabbing me up and instantly asking me if I am okay.

"Damien, Damien is alive, Adrian has him trapped in there," I said, crying as I said it. Derek cursed under his breath. And Wes runs in, gun at the ready. Noah is rubbing my hair while still hugging me tight.

"I am so sorry about earlier, Addison, I was so upset and hurt that you didn't come to me, and I just thought you didn't value our friendship," He said. I shook my head as he let me go.

"No, Noah you were right, I was not thinking, I saved him just for him to break things off with me, I should have thought more of myself that's that, he can't love someone if he can't love himself, I was on a constant roller coaster, thank you for telling me the truth and everyone else too," I said. Derek heard me and Noah talking. While Dwayne and Dad escorted Damien out of my room.

"Addison, listen," Derek says stepping closer, "I knew, I knew you and Wes were sleeping together, I knew about you two from the moment Faith was shot, the tension between you two after was noticed, it wasn't hard to see you two had feelings, and you are right, I am controlling and demanding, and you deserve much more than that, I don't blame you for hating me, I can't, I will always love you, even if you don't believe that, I only wanted to hear the truth, and tonight when you said it, a weight lifted off of me, I had a feeling I was right, and you finally admitted it," He said, "And Wes and I we are fine, brothers never quit on each other, I want you to be happy Addison, I always have."

He walked off, leaving me and Noah alone. That was a confession. A lousy one, but a confession. He knew what he had done was wrong. He knew that leaving was stupid and in some way, he knew that I would follow him. But he could not keep asking me to do that for him anymore. Do you want to know why love doesn't survive? Because when one person gives all the time and the other takes and doesn't give back, it means love is one-sided. It means his feelings may be there, but he isn't projecting them. And he knew that.

Locked once more(Book 2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant