Chapter 18

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As corny as it may have been, that made my heart flutter a bit. He was happy. I loved seeing him happy, he deserved it, maybe more than Derek at this point. I know I sounded silly, and maybe it was, but after Derek's lies and deceit, I was over it, if he did come back, I don't know what I would do. Would I leave him? Would I hit him? Part of me wanted to break things off with him, but I wasn't sure what I would do. He deserved to be done that way, didn't he? To be treated as if I didn't care, after his betrayal. Wanting to keep us out of the loop. It seemed far-fetched of me to say, he did it for me, when in reality, he was being stupid and selfish. He could have protected me. And even when Faith was shot, he made Wes look after me, what did he expect would happen?

Sleep came, taking over us both. A part of me wanted to tell Wesley about Damien, and Derek. But I knew if I told him, he would hate Derek for lying to him, and me. I wasn't taking his love for Derek away. He didn't know the entirety of the situation, and it would need to stay that way. Parts of me knew telling him, might ease some of the guilt I was feeling from going to meet with Damien in the first place. Other parts knew what he would say. I wasn't supposed to be down there, especially talking with Damien. But even I couldn't deny that telling Wesley may have gone either way.

Finding out Dani was Lee's daughter was the icing on the cake tonight too. I needed to talk to Lee about Tracy, and see what he knew. Maybe if I called the prison and asked to talk to him, they wouldn't mind letting me. Yeah, wishful thinking. I would probably be better off letting Nelson know, and seeing if we could go together, to visit him. It wasn't like I couldn't go in myself, I could. But if Wesley or Derek either found out I went alone, they would hang me. But maybe Dwayne could go! I got excited thinking about that. If Dwayne went with me, I wouldn't get too much hate for it. The snow was gone and melted off, the cold wouldn't bother me, plus, going in the winter months, might prove successful, in a sense we would be the only ones there early in the morning. I had to talk to him.

I had set my alarm for 6 am. Wesley usually wasn't up until closer to 7 am. So I wouldn't wake him. It was on vibrate. I had noticed Wes slept pretty deep from 5 am-6:50 am When his alarm would ring out. But if my phone vibrated at 6 am, he wouldn't stir, and even if he did I would just make up an excuse. Say Dwayne and I are going to go for a walk, to go back to bed. Even Dwayne didn't know what we were doing. He had been posted outside, but sitting in a chair. If he fell asleep it wouldn't matter. I could wake him up, and explain what was going on. He would surely understand. Dwayne wanted answers like me, so he would go with me to visit Lee regardless.

Faith stirred a few times, only because she needed to use the bathroom. I usually didn't walk her, Dwayne or the other guards posted did. She normally walked over to the door, scratched and Dwayne would let her out, and she would make her way downstairs, sometimes she walked herself, other times a guard was with her, just to make sure, she was safe. It was nice having a wolf that didn't run when you let her outside. She stuck by me like bees on honey. And I was glad she felt so protective of me. If I was lucky they would let me bring her to the prison just to rub it in Lee's face that she was still with me. And because the last time he saw her, he was shocked that we had a wolf, and pissed about it. Let's face it, Lee was astounded and disarmed about it.

When morning crept in, my alarm buzzed in. Meaning it was time to get up, dress warm, and head out to tell Dwayne we were going to see Lee in prison. I was nervous about lying to Wesley, but at the same time, I wanted some answers. More so about his sister, and Damien. And what Tracy took from Damien, that would piss him off enough to want her dead, or to torture her. Either one was bad. But It didn't matter, I needed answers.

So I got up slowly and put some dark jeans on with a black sweater and some boots. Faith stirred a bit. I finally combed through my hair with my fingers, making it look better than the bed head I woke with. When I was done getting myself ready I take a look at Wes who was still asleep, and then I motion for Faith to follow me. I wrap on the door once softly, and Dwayne opens it, letting me out. If Wes found out what I was up to, he would stop me, say going to the prison was a bad idea. He would tell me opening old wounds was not a great idea. Honestly he would be right, but I needed to know what was going on, or else Damien would try his best to get to Tracy.

Locked once more(Book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon