Book 2: Chapter 5: I Hate Sand Part I

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A/N: Heyo! ( ̄▽ ̄)/ T.K.月狐 here. I totally didn't miss yesterday's chapter. That was intended as we're catching up quite fast to where I am now. So there will only be two parts this week. Haha, not my fault blame Yukino. It took a month to finish her chapter simply because I wasn't satisfied. I'm still not completely satisfied, but who is? Though note aside, let me not stand in your way any further!

Book 2 Land of Sand

Chapter 5: I Hate Sand Part I

The next day we said goodbye to the rivers and hello to the sand. Where it took approximately 5 seconds of getting sand in my eyes for the realization to kick in that I really hated sand. It's rough, coarse, and gets everywhere. (Sorry, I had to). Nothing but desert for as far as the eye could see without a tree in sight. Note to self: If I were to leave the Leaf Village, I'm not calling the Land of Wind my home.

"Are we there yet?" I asked, shielding my head from the beaming sun. Did I mention there's no shade in the desert? Simply imagining if we had come just a month later, I probably would have died from a heat stroke.

"No," Kai said, leading the group with Kasai and Sui beside him. How he knew where we were going was beyond me. It all looked the same, smelled the same, and felt the same.

"Fuck." Tayuya muttered, calling the attention of Kurai, who was walking beside me.

"What's wrong, cousin?"

"Don't call me that shitter."

"What's wrong, Sis?" Sui called out.

"It's the sand." Tayuya shook her flute next to her ear. "I think some of it got into my flute."

"Wait, she gets to call you sister, but I can't call you cousin? You're not even from the same clan!"

"Fuck you."

Ignoring Kurai's teary eyes, I pointed at Tayuya's flute. "Shouldn't that be in a case?"

"Last time I did that, it was stolen from me."

I scratched my cheek. "Right..."

"Two ninja useless without their tools." Kasai sighed.

"Want to say that to my face!" Tayuya yelled as Kasai chuckled.

"Nah, I already got what I wanted."

Now either I had sand in my ears, or Kasai just let out a genuine laugh. It was short and at Tayuya's expense, but it was definitely a lot more chummy than he was with me.

"That's what I thought Hyūga trash."

"Ooo, that's a new one." Kasai turned around, walking backwards with a smirk. "Never thought Hyūga and trash could go together."

"I didn't think so either until I met you."

"Then you should explore the village more. Need a tour guide?"

"As if. I already got Yuki." Tayuya said, slapping me on the back.

"That's right!" Then the realization clicked. "Did I just agree to being a tour guide?"

Hiruzen started laughing, which soon enough led to the rest of us joining in. I had no idea how we did it with all the rocky starts and the lingering grievances, but we somehow managed to laugh.

Of course, it was all a lie, or at least I thought it was because our views were so impossibly different. To the point that when we heard a cry for help. I was the only one to rush out as a girl who had to be no older than 7 cried out:

"Someone! Anyone! Help! My sister, she's fighting—"

"Yuki wait!"

I heard Sui call my name as I passed her, my body cloaked in blue. I wasn't going to let it happen again, not to anyone else! Yet the moment I reached her, I noticed three things. Her cyan-colored hair which reminded me of the sky. The black stars that proliferated her skin slowly trying to escape the night of her clothes, almost like—

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