Chapter 7: Turning Point Part IV and V

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Chapter 7: Turning Point Part IV

"Oh." The Third Hokage stared down at me from atop the stone pillar. The three bells hung off the edge next to his feet, swaying from the breeze. "You've decided to face me alone."

"I mean, you are a clone with only a quarter of Hiruzen-sensei's chakra." I said, standing on the beachhead, twirling my kunai. The river in front of me, its waves were calm, yet never still. I hesitated to step onto it.

"Ahahaha. I'm being severely underestimated."

"I wish I could do that. Even now, I'm unsure if I can even fight you and stay afloat."

"That is also a part of your test."

Being able to walk on water took a lot of effort in terms of chakra control. Since, unlike trees, the river moved, as such, I had to take that into account to stay above it. I learned how to walk on water at an early age, I had to, but I had never fought on it. I guess there's a first time for everything. I stepped forward, coating my feet in my purple chakra. I let go of the breath I held when I didn't sink, receiving a clap from Hiruzen-sensei.

"Good to see my students are a cut above the rest. As a reward, I'll tell you the point of this test."

He's stalling with this conversation. It was getting brighter, and I was down to twelve minutes. Should I hear him out or... I stared at my kunai and thought about sending in the first wave, but if the bells got knocked into the water, I'd be screwed. New plan.

"I'll listen, but only if you get down from there."

"Ahahaha. You don't want the bells getting ruined. Don't worry, I have a Jutsu that should keep them in place, but." Hiruzen-sensei jumped down, standing on the river. "Since it'll calm your nerves."

He sat down, and none of the water seemed to even get on him. "Now it's time for me to teach. The bell test is something I invented to test a Genin's teamwork skills. Many other teachers have adopted my method, giving birth to the Sannin and to ninja, like Kakashi over the years. Since it would take three Genin working as a team to even fathom touching a bell from an elite Jōnin."

"Yeah, sounds about right." I said, barely listening. About eleven minutes left.

"Ok. If you understand, then why did you come alone? I heard your team's plan, and I thought it was wonderful. I would have passed you right away from theory alone. So why?"

"I'll tell you the same thing I told Tayuya." The world slowed, and a chill was sent down my spine. I wish I could use my lightning cloak, but. I eyed the river. Being fried did not sound fun. "I'd rather stop being a ninja than spit on Sui's resolve. I mean. Did you see her? Not even your monkey stood a chance." Ten minutes.

"Ahahaha. You may very well pass this test—"

I threw all eight of my kunai, each with wind-elemental tags attached to them. The wires on my hands extended as I started to prep my fire Jutsu.

"Earth Style: Great Mud Wall Jutsu." A gigantic wall of earth appeared, blocking the kunai. The wall wrapped around the Third Hokage and the pillar that held the bells, creating a dome. "I'll see you when the ten minutes are up!" Hiruzen-sensei called out from within his dome.

That's what you think. "Fire Style: Dragon Fire Jutsu!" I spat flames out onto the wires of all eight kunai. The rapidly moving fire caught up the wind tags igniting them to explode while against the dome. In most cases, my fire and wind would just create a scorching heat, but next to the chakra-infused earth—I shielded my eyes from the bright white light that came before the bang.

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