Epilogue: What Happens Next

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Epilogue: What Happens Next

"Never. Again."


"Fuck sewers."

We all mumbled our gripes as we left the sewers, each of us covered in muck, grime, and rat.

Yeah, it turned out that the reason no one did that mission wasn't just because the ring was hard to find but also because giant fucking rats lived there. One of them even took the liberty of eating the ring; thank god Sui could see through the rat that ate it. Else that would have been a huge waste of time.

People avoided looking our way as we trudged through the village to the Hokage's office. Sui dropped the blood-covered ring on Hiruzen-sensei's desk, forcing him to put down his paperwork.

"Weren't you three supposed to return it to the owner..." Hiruzen-sensei's voice trailed off as we all gave him death glares.

"Third Hokage..." Sui's voice was cold as the veins in her face bulged. "If we did that, we'd get a complaint. And I refuse to get paid half when I had to go shoulder deep in rat guts."

"I see."

"You see..." Sui chuckled at first. Oh no. Then it turned into a full crazed laugh. "You see!"

Sui lunged at Hiruzen-sensei, who didn't even move. His eyes wide. I shot my hands from my pockets, restraining Sui with wires as she continued to snap.

"The mission said nothing about chakra-infused rats! What the hell kind of contracts are you taking! Are you going senile!"

Sui shouted out her pains as I pulled her towards me. Eventually, calming down once I ran my hands through her hair. But she still insisted on glaring at Hiruzen-sensei.

"Wow Sis, I didn't know you had it in you." Tayuya said, joining me in giving Sui head pats.

"So the infestation got that bad." Hiruzen-sensei said, wiping the sweat off his face.

I doubt anyone in the room except me expected Sui to snap like that. She had a high tolerance for a lot of things, but when it came to bullshit, she drew the line.

I think the last time she snapped like that was when Iruka-sensei failed her for getting a perfect score on a written exam. Something about the test being how well you could cheat and well... she didn't need to cheat to pass. By the end of it all, Iruka-sensei never made an assignment like that again.

"Well I'm glad I sent you three on that mission." Hiruzen-sensei said as I noticed he avoided making eye contact with Sui. "I'll be sure to give Team 9 a bonus for dealing with that issue. Now, whose ready for some filing."

"First rats... now paperwork... Go fuck yourself geezer." Tayuya placed her lips on her flute, but before she could blow into it, I restrained her as well. Hiruzen-sensei actually didn't seem that fazed by Tayuya's outburst; in fact, it looked like it relaxed him a little.

"So Yuki, it seems like you're the sane one of the group."

"Yeah... I wouldn't say that." My Sharingan flicked on against my will, and when it did, I had to blink a few times to turn them off. That continued to happen the entire time since I left that hellscape.

"I see. Did you complete the other missions that were due today?"

"We did but received complaints about smelling like ratshit."

"That's unfortunate. Why didn't you guys clean yourselves up first?"

"The same reason why these two haven't broken free." I sighed, feeling the aches in my body. "Chakra exhaustion from this morning and then—"

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