Book 2: Chapter 1: A Step Backward, A Step Forward, and A Long Week Part I

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Book 2: Land of Sand

Chapter 1: A Step Backward, A Step Forward, and A Long Week Part I



"You're not allowed inside."

"I won't say it again, trash."

"Uh Tayuya, are you sure you should be—"

The unlucky Jōnin ninja collapsed onto the floor, hopefully in a pleasant Genjutsu... doubt. But I understood why Tayuya did it. After that mess with Kimimaro and having me lean on her from the forest through the village, she was on a short fuse. If it wasn't for Kakashi guarding the entrance to the village, we might not have even been let inside without some form of bondage.

I mean two Genin entering the village in the dead of night, one who could barely stand on his own and the other gave you the devil's glare as a first impression. That just screamed suspicious, especially when ninja were found dead.

"What?" Tayuya said. "Don't look at me like that. He didn't move."

"You worry me sometimes."


"All the time," I said as the door to the Hokage's office opened. It wasn't us who opened it but rather—

"Took you two long enough...." Sui paused for a moment as she noticed the Jōnin ninja collapsed in a fetal position. "Why the hell is Ebisu on the ground?"

"Well, you see here—"

"That trash didn't move," Tayuya said, cutting to the chase. "And here, take your boyfriend. He's heavy."

"Wait, what are you—Tayuya!"

She swung me straight into Sui, where we both crashed into the Hokage's office. Whatever tense discussion that was being held immediately vanished as I found myself in an inappropriate position. One hand on her chest while the other against the floor, my face and Sui's inches apart. I stared into her white eye as she stared into my black eyes, and the only thing I could say was:

"You're definitely softer than Tayuya."

"Y-You're unbelievable, Yuki...."

"And your jokes suck," Tayuya said, intruding on our moment. And my jokes don't suck!

"Team 9!" The Third Hokage said.

We all looked up to see that we were surrounded by some of the Leaf's top Jōnin: Shikaku Nara, the current head of the Nara clan and Shikamaru's dad. The scared-faced ninja was way more intimidating than his lazy son, mainly because he didn't look too amused by me. The other being Inoichi Yamanaka, the head of the Yamanaka clan and Ino's father. His long blond hair reminded me a lot of Ino's, and the red haori was a nice touch to his green flak jacket. At least I know where Ino got her sense of style from.

"What's up with the brats, Lord Hokage? I thought we were having a serious discussion, not some sort of teen romance?" A slender woman said as she stared down at us. Maybe it was the fact that she had violet hair or that the chainmail undershirt she wore was a tight fit around her curves, but she was 100% in 9/10 territory... if only she didn't look at us as if we were snake food.

"Still rude as ever, Anko," Inoichi said.

"But she has a point. Why did Ebisu let them in?" Shikaku said as he cast a lazy gaze towards us, and in that instant, his shadow enveloped both mine and Tayuya's. There we were forced to stand attention, all while Sui didn't need the encouragement as she stood up on her own.

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