Chapter 7: Turning Point Part III

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Chapter 7: Turning Point Part III

"Sure you were..." Sui turned to face Enma the Monkey King on the open field, the veins protruding on the right side of her face. "I'm sorry for the delay Monkey King."

"You're very polite for that killer look on your face."

"I can't help it. You're the one in the way of our dreams." Sui got into her fighting stance. I activated my Sharingan to watch her movements, even though that defeated the purpose of me sitting out. I'll only watch a little. I wasn't going to miss the chance to watch Sui get serious.

"Good, a ninja should have a goal. Now come at me with all you hav—"

Sui cut him off. The palm of her hand struck the monkey's center sending out a shock wave that disturbed the river behind Enma. She clicked her tongue as the monkey turned into a log. A Substitution Jutsu which meant he had to be. A hand broke through the ground under her.

Unfazed, Sui hopped into the air out of his grasp. Her body twirled around midair until she faced downward striking at the monkey's arm with her gentle fist. Two, four, eight, ten strikes, with speed faster than my eyes could keep up with, ending with a grab onto the monkey's paw. She dragged him out of the earth, throwing him up into the air while bringing her down to the ground.

With a sigh, Sui spoke. "You can't hide from me. So don't try."

Staring up at the falling Enma. I still found it amazing that her Byakugan could see chakra signatures even underground. Which was why I believed Sui could see through lies. I wasn't 100% certain if that was true, but the longer I spent with her, the more I believed it. I relaxed my eyes having seen enough. The fight was over since the monkey could only use one arm.

"Bad move." Tayuya mumbled next to me. I raised an eyebrow since I couldn't exactly talk to her. "Sui's a close combat fighter, and judging by her stance, she needs the ground to use her gentle fist. I'm sure the overgrown ape can cast Jutsu while he's up there." That's not true at all; you just can't see it—

Enma somehow clasped his hands together. "Clone Technique: Adamantine Staff Hailstorm!" Around him, staffs colored black and gold appeared. All ten of them extended out at Sui, growing over twenty meters long. The staffs struck like hail, fast and hard, creating a dust cloud. The bangs sent shockwaves that felt like an earthquake, shaking me and Tayuya. Enma landed onto the ground, heaving as his right arm dangled.

"See I told—"

I placed my finger in front of Tayuya's lips and pointed at the dust cloud that began to fade. Sui stood in her spot, not even having moved. It was as if all the staffs had missed her entirely.

"Hah... Hah... I hate Hyūga ninja." Enma said, willing his right hand up only for it to fall back down. From how it limped, Sui had definitely destroyed its chakra points.

I was just surprised he could still cast Jutsu with one of his arms being injured. Is that what fighting in a war does to you? Sui gave me the short recap of who Enma was, and he apparently had fought in all three of the Great Ninja Wars alongside the Third Hokage. As such, his resolve was something I could only dream of.

"Trust me. I hate them too." Sui said, walking around the stuck staffs. Her lightning cloak wasn't as bright anymore, and I figured she dropped it down to ten percent.

"Sui, you have a minute left." I said, reminding her to finish the job.

"I know." She said, getting back into her gentle fist stance. "It's all because your attitude is rubbing off on me."

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