Chapter 4: Mistakes Were Made Part II

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Chapter 4: Mistakes Were Made Part II

When we got to the front of the classroom, I noticed everyone was gone except for Iruka-sensei. I assumed they all had formed their teams while I was busy being a dick...

I glanced at Sui, who seemed to have already brushed it aside as she kept messing around with her forehead protector, which extended lower to cover her Sharingan eye. It reminded me of Kakashi's. I hope Sasuke's ok.

Iruka-sensei ended up breaking the silence once he had found us on his clipboard.

"Yuki Uchiha and Sui Hyūga." Iruka-sensei took a pause as if he was building up suspense. Sui didn't look worried, so I relaxed. "You two will now be known as Team 9."

"See, told you." Sui said with her eye studying me once more. "If we're going to be stuck together, we might as well trust each other. Completely."

That was her way of saying I should probably trust her reasoning as to why she didn't tell me about Kasai. Yet wasn't she also the one who questioned me about Kakashi? "Wait. Aren't we supposed to be a four-man-cell? There's only two of us."

"Well, three if you count Iruka-sensei." Sui replied nonchalantly as if there was nothing wrong with what she just said.

"You don't mean..."

"Yup." She had a devilish smile on her face.

I could feel myself shrink at the thought of Iruka-sensei leading the team. I would one hundred percent learn nothing from him. I mean, he wasn't even a Jōnin... unless he was recently promoted, but even then, what Jutsus could he even use? I had never seen him fight before, but I was certain even Naruto outclassed him in a fight.

"No!" I huddled up in a ball. "I refuse to accept Iruka-sensei as the highly trained ninja fit to lead our team as the mentor."

"Ahahaha." Sui burst out laughing. She held onto her sides and everything. I probably would have found her laughter entertaining if I wasn't in so much emotional pain. But this was no laughing matter. I needed to figure out a way off this team.

"You–you really thought... You really thought... he was going to lead us. Ahahaha. Iruka is a Chūnin... hah... Still in his thirties... hah... He can't lead us."

"But-but you said."

"I was just paying you back for earlier." She said, wiping a tear from her eye. "I'm pretty funny too, you know."

"He's not on our team either right?" I stood up slowly, still trying to fish out for the truth.

"Nope. It's just you and me." Sui said, leaning against my shoulder.

"Phew. Thank god—"

The vein on Iruka's face looked as if they would burst at any moment. Even the clipboard he held snapped from his rage. "I'm standing... Right... Here!" Smack! Smack!

We both received, hopefully, our final cases of knuckle sandwiches from Iruka-sensei. "I take back what I said yesterday. You two will probably be the worst ninja in the history of the Leaf village!"

Sniff. Sniff. "That's a pretty mean thing to say Iruka-sensei." I said, rubbing the fat lump on my head.

Sniff. Sniff. "Agreed. I didn't even think Iruka had it in him." Sui said, rubbing the fat lump on her head as well.

Iruka sighed after seeing us like that. "I'm sorry. What I meant to say is that you two should watch what you say. It could hurt a person's feelings." He kneeled down and ran his hands through our hair, only to stop once he heard our snickering.

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