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Alana couldn't believe she had almost told Legolas about her vision of their daughter. Her cheeks were bright red even as they started the trek to Dunharrow, and she made sure not to ride next to Legolas as her embarrassment temporarily outweighed her need to be close to him. When they started riding, though, Alana quickly regretted letting her embarrassment cause her to ride alone, until Eowyn joined her.

"Are you unwell, Alana?" Eowyn asked concernedly. "You're quite flushed."

Alana smiled at her, her embarrassment even stronger. "I'm alright, Eowyn, just embarrassed."

"By what?"

Alana glanced around, seeing that Legolas was far away and would not listen to them over the chatter of everyone else. "Well, Legolas... he asked to know what vision of the future I've had that has made me so happy recently."

"Why are you embarrassed about that?"

"It's... well, the nature of the vision, it feels so intimate and so I'm too flustered to tell him." Alana explained, before chuckling at herself. "It's ridiculous, most ellyth my age have been long married, and yet this makes me react so."

Eowyn had a deeply interested expression and a teasing sparkle in her eyes. "Is it... something indecent?" She whispered the last part as Alana almost choked.

"No, no, nothing like that. More emotionally intimate, I meant." Alana's cheeks had flared up to a new shade of red as she checked to make sure no one had heard that.

Eowyn giggled. "I was just teasing, although I am very curious. I won't tell him if you tell me."

The temptation was strong to just tell her, but Alana shook her head. "I think I should tell him if I am telling anyone, but I will tell you after I tell him."

"And when will you tell him?" Eowyn prodded, her lighthearted smile taunting Alana.

Alana paused, debating how much she wanted to tell him compared to how much she didn't want to tell him. After all, the idea of him knowing was exciting and heart-warming despite the fear of telling him. "I suppose... after we are officially betrothed." Alana nodded her head. "Yes, that should be a good time."

"So, if Legolas proposed to you today, you would tell him what the vision was?" Eowyn clarified.

"Well, in order for us to be officially engaged in Elven tradition, he would need two silver rings, so he won't." Alana debated back, cheeks somewhat calmed down.

"So, you wouldn't mind then if I told him this?" Eowyn grinned.

Alana's normal-toned cheeks had not lasted very long. "I suppose then he wouldn't ask about it anymore."

Eowyn eyed the half-elf sceptically. "In that case, you should tell him this yourself next time he asks."

Alana's head whipped around quickly enough to give her whiplash and she stared at the woman in shock. "No, I shouldn't..." One look from Eowyn, a raised brow and smirk, had Alana taking back her reply. "Fine. That was well-played, Eowyn. I would've thought you were above such manipulations."

"What manipulations? I barely had to do anything, I just gave you the right push you needed."

Alana sent a deadpanned look to Eowyn, but the rosiness of her face took away from any possible intimidation. 

Eowyn amusedly let Alana change the subject to Frida and Eothain, the two children, and the conversation flowed naturally from there. Gradually, Alana's flush faded and she was back to her usual cheerful self. It seemed to Boromir, who had been riding a few lines behind her and observing her carefully, that Alana had changed greatly for the better since they'd left Rivendell. When they'd met, as sweet as she remained, she had been so serious with a heavy burden on her eyes, whereas now, she seemed almost younger in the way that she was so much less tortured, despite the horrible things that had happened. 

Though Boromir's spirit was still pierced with guilt, he started to believe her when she said she was alright. Perhaps becoming free of her responsibility to the future, which had been to save him, was worth more to her soul than the pain she'd suffered because of it. 

Boromir's theory was quite close to the truth. Saving Boromir had been Alana's great trial in life that she had been waiting for, agonizing over, and now the weight of her duty was off her shoulders. Instead of visions of pain that she had to prevent, the Valar graced her with the beauty of the future she could make for herself. Fighting for love and hope had been much less taxing than fighting for duty. 

When Alana noticed Boromir looking at her, she gave a genuine smile and wave, and she was surprised to see him return an equally genuine smile. Even more surprising was noticing that, though he wore the cloak from Lothlorien, the brooch had been switched from the green leaf to a simple stone held by a delicately carved wooden frame. Admiring the skills of the carver, Alana wondered whether it was that sweet-looking girl, Beyhild, who had made it. She hoped it was, Alana thought the two of them would make a wholesome couple.

"Who are you looking at?" Eowyn wondered, not seeing Legolas near them.

"A comrade of ours. We were separated for some time, and I think he's trying to watch over me now." Alana explained briefly.

"He doesn't..." Eowyn dropped her voice to a whisper, "love you as well, does he?"

Alana laughed, shaking her head. "As a sister, if anything. He feels he owes me a debt since I saved his life, but he's saved mine as well. Besides, I think he may have found someone to love of his own."

"From Rohan? Who is it?" Eowyn asked.

For someone so serious about life as Eowyn, talking with Alana certainly brought out a certain girliness out in her which she usually kept locked deep inside of her following the death of her parents. Alana felt able to let down her guard quickly with Eowyn in a similar way, though she was more aware of her position as an older sister to the girl.

They spent the entire ride chatting together, pointedly avoiding heavy conversation before they reached Dunharrow in an attempt to remain calm. As they approached the mountain though, they fell mostly silent, with only the occasional whispers breaking the heavy silence.

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