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Gimli and Merry were in the throne room when they entered, as was Theoden, and they both jumped up in shock at the sight of the fallen companion. The king, however, had an inquisitive look on his face.

"Boromir!" Merry cheered, hugging Boromir in more of a tackle than a hug.

Giving Boromir a rough hug, Gimli laughed out loud. "It's good to see ya alive, lad."

Boromir hesitated a moment, before murmuring, "You too." He seemed uneasy underneath his gladness to see his companions; guilt shone in his eyes.

Though Alana wanted to inquire about his mental wellbeing, first came explaining to Theoden who Boromir was.

"King Theoden, this is Boromir. He was one of our companions from whom we were separated." Alana explained briefly. 

Boromir bowed before the king, introducing himself with the proper etiquette, though his eyes seemed to be shifting all over the room and his shoulders were tense. 

"Boromir, the Captain of the Guard of Minas Tirith. I've heard of you, you are a strong warrior." Theoden said. "I will not complain about having more swords for the upcoming war."

The two men exchanged a nod, just as Aragorn ran in, yelling, "The beacons of Minas Tirith! The beacons are lit!"

Aragorn froze seeing his supposedly fallen companion, whose dead body he had carried, standing next to the king. 

"And Rohan will answer! Muster the Rohirrim!" Theoden shouted, while Aragorn took hesitant steps towards Boromir.

"I am sorry, Aragorn, I failed the Fellowship." Boromir said, head bowed in shame. "I tried to take the ring from Frodo. I'm sorry."

Aragorn didn't answer, but clasped his comrade in a firm hug. "I am glad to see you alive, my friend."

Boromir returned the gesture, both shocked and relieved.

"How can this be, though? We carried your dead body." Aragorn said, once he released Boromir. The members of the Fellowship moved out of the way of the Rohan soldiers preparing for battle.

Alana stepped forward somewhat sheepishly then. "I know it was hard to believe when I told you, but Lorien's spirits were very powerful, which is what allowed me to create such a lasting illusion. You saw me when I took back the spell, the markings on my hands disappeared." Alana hesitated a little, mentioning that day again, and all took notice, though Boromir was the only one not to know why. Legolas's hand gripped hers tightly, and Alana squeezed it back gratefully, noticing the closed-off expression on his face. She was sure her face didn't hide her pain as well as he did.

"What happened that day?" Boromir asked, his face falling in anticipation of the horror. Merry had a similar expression of guilt on his face, remembering that he had left her alone.

The others stayed quiet, looking at Alana to answer. "It's fine, you shouldn't worry about it."

"Something happened to you because you saved me. What was it Alana?" Boromir's eyes scanned her face desperately and Alana opened her mouth but, for a moment, couldn't seem to make a sound.

Eventually, she gave in, looking down. "An orc attempted to defile me."

Boromir looked sick to his stomach. "And you saved me knowing that would happen?"

"She did the same for me and Pippin. It wasn't just to save you." Merry added, uncharacteristically morose.

Aragorn clasped his shoulder, then Merry's. "It was her choice, do not feel guilty from it, just live a life worthy of it."

Alana saw that Boromir was about to protest, and could see the tension in his clenched hands, the veins in his neck. "Boromir, it would have happened whether or not I had saved you, the only way I may have escaped it was if I hadn't left Lothlorien at all. This is not your fault, it was my choice to remain with the Fellowship."

"But, Alana, you—"

"Boromir." Alana gave Boromir a warm hug, squeezing extra tight. "You are alive, and I am alive, and that's all that matters. Let's just be grateful that everyone lives yet, please. I am okay, I promise, and I have no regrets."

Boromir melted into the hug at the end of her speech.

After a moment, Aragorn tapped Alana on the shoulder, causing her to pull away. He nodded his head towards Legolas, whose face was carefully crafted into an emotionless mask, and Alana shook her head, mumbling, "Ridiculous elf" simultaneously with Gimli who had also watched his reaction.

Sharing a glance, the elleth and dwarf both burst into laughter, trying and failing to hold it in. Well, Alana was trying, Gimli was not ashamed of laughing.

In between giggles, Alana walked back over to Legolas, placing a hand on his arm. 

"I'm sorry for laughing, meleth nin." 

Legolas's lips quirked up at the term of endearment, and Alana felt her heart melt at his reaction as her smile widened. Grabbing his hand, she brought it her lips, and Legolas reciprocated with a chaste kiss to her forehead.

Boromir watched on amusedly, the sharp knife of guilt being dulled in his soul at their show of affection. "Well, she has certainly become more confident." Aragorn chortled at the comment while Alana's cheeks went from rosy to crimson, before she hid her face in embarrassment in Legolas's tunic, who pet her hair absentmindedly.

"Ah, there it is." Boromir commented. "Glad to see she hasn't changed that much."

"She'll never change that much, my friend. Alana wouldn't be herself without her stubbornness and inability to hide her emotions." Aragorn replied, grinning.

It was then that Theoden called Aragorn over, and they all remembered they were meant to prepare for war. Boromir, desperate to help somehow, Merry, and Gimli followed Aragorn to the king, while Legolas went to gather their belongings with Alana. 

"Are you truly alright, meleth nin?" Legolas wondered as they entered the room he had been sharing with Aragorn and Gimli.

Alana smiled at him gently, pressing a soft kiss to his jaw. "I am much better, you also need not worry for me. My grief is overwhelmed by everything good I have right now. Never have my visions been so good than as of late."

This was the second time Alana had mentioned having good visions, and Legolas had definitely noticed.

"I felt lost before, but I'm not anymore, because I have the most beautiful future imaginable." Alana grinned, picturing that wonderful vision again. 

Legolas felt his own smile make an appearance at the sparkle in her eye. "What is this future that makes you so happy?"

"It's..." Alana stopped herself, realizing what she had been about to tell him, and felt her cheeks burn violently. "Nevermind that."

It's safe to say Legolas's curiosity was peaked, especially since she had already admitted to wanting to marry him. What would make her more flustered than that?

Alana cut him off before he could ask again. "We should get all this to the stables, the king will be wanting to leave soon."

Legolas huffed under his breath, eyeing her suspiciously. What was it that she had seen?

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