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The rest of the day came and went, and like the previous night, Alana stayed awake thinking of those words. When she did finally fall asleep, it was a deep slumber that she had not yet experienced since the beginning of the Fellowship. 

She awoke feeling refreshed and peaceful, rather than giddy and sleep-deprived as she had been the previous day, which Sidhil mentally took note of, glad her decision had paid off well.

"Are you feeling better, my lady?" The healer asked.

"Well, I was feeling quite well yesterday, but I am a good deal calmer. And my leg does not hurt." Alana said, sinking into her mattress comfortably. "I suppose I must thank you for forcing me to stay in, as uncomfortable as it was."

Sidhil chuckled as she checked her wounds once more. "Well, I am glad you feel well. Your leg looks much better as well."

Breathing a sigh of relief, Alana turned her head to smile hopefully at her healer. "So, that means I can walk today?"

Sidhil snorted in a most unladylike manner. "Of course not. I will give you a crutch and have a maid escort you."

Alana pouted before acquiescing. "How long until I walk with no aid?"

"If you actually listen to my instructions, it may be only two more days."

Ever impatient, Alana slumped a little in her seat, then forced herself to smile. After all, it might have been a good deal longer than two days, so she should be grateful.

Once again, they did their morning routine of getting Alana bathed and dressed, her wounds treated and wrapped, then Sidhil went to fetch a crutch for Alana.

"Try not to put any weight on your leg if you can. Remember, if all goes well, tomorrow, I will be encouraging to do the opposite, to some degree." Sidhil warned, a smile lingering on her face.

Alana nodded, anxious to be able to finally leave. The maid arrived then and the two elleths began their walk through the Golden Wood, the maid wrapping her arm around Alana's waist as extra support to the crutch on her other side.

When they reached the Fellowship's campsite, only the hobbits and Gimli were there, as apparently the men and Legolas had gone to use the training grounds.

"I'm sorry, you needn't accompany me the entire way." Alana said, relieving the maid of her duties. To her surprise, the maid stubbornly shook her head.

"I appreciate your consideration, but Sidhil will reprimand me if I let you go, Princess, so I must not." The maid replied, a small smile on her lips at Alana's slight exasperation.

"Very well. Thank you."

The two elleths began walking—or rather, hobbling—once more in the direction of the training grounds, which, though not far, were no short walk in Alana's state.

When they arrived, they first saw Aragorn and Boromir, who were sparring. They stopped to greet her, walking over as Alana sent the maid away, promising one of the men would help her instead.

"Good morning, Alana. I hear you were kept under close watch yesterday. Finally been let free?" Boromir asked cheerfully.

Alana grinned back at him. "Yes, it was rather dreadful being cooped up, but I must admit I feel much better."

"I'm very glad to hear it. Will you be off that crutch soon too?"

"Two days, Sidhil said. If I behave myself and don't overwork my leg again, that is." Alana cracked a crooked smile at the man, who laughed to himself at her rather youthful disposition despite her age. Aragorn was shaking his head at her fondly.

"And what of the other matter?" Aragorn asked teasingly.

Alana's cheeks flushed a light pink.

"I assume this has something to do with the elf?" Boromir noted, amused.

Aragorn nodded at him. "She was almost too flustered to speak yesterday."

"I was not!" Alana retorted. "I wasn't expecting you to know anything about it, that's all."

"Well, Legolas does not seem the type, but he is quite a gossip." Aragorn chuckled, while the other two laughed imagining stoic, cool Legolas gossiping like a noble's wife.

"I am very grateful you decided to share that, Aragorn." Alana said, still giggling.

"It is a good thing the elf was not here to stop you." Boromir added, also finding the tidbit quite entertaining.

"He would have been embarrassed, indeed, but unlike dear Alana here, he does not display all his emotions across his face and would have remained his impassive self." 

Alana gasped exaggeratedly at the attack on her inability to conceal her emotions, the blush rising to her cheeks only proving his point. "I do not display all my emotions! I can be aloof and indifferent!" She tried desperately to keep her face still in a deadpan expression, but the twitch in her lips and unfading flush had the men laughing at her.

"It needs more work, Alana. Perhaps ask Legolas for some help." Aragorn pointed out, failing to stifle his chuckles.

"Oh, stop it." Alana grumbled, rolling her eyes at the man. Though she pretended to be frustrated with him, Alana found herself feeling giddy and light, each of Aragorn's words adding to her excitement; internally, she could only look forward to seeing Legolas again, despite her nerves.

"Speaking of the elf, I'm assuming it is he you were looking for? I can help you to the archery range if you would like." Boromir offered, a mischievous spark in his eyes Alana had not yet witnessed before.

"Trying to get rid of me so quickly? I'm quite hurt, Boromir. My heart weeps from your rejection." Alana replied with a touch of sarcasm. Aragorn snorted in the background.

Boromir quirked a grin, though it disappeared the next second for a more somber expression. "My apologies, my lady. How ever might I make it up to you?"

"It is difficult to say. It may require a good deal of time. Your words have cut me quite deeply, after all." Alana said in a similarly serious tone, though her lips kept flinching into a smile due to her inability to hide her emotions.

"Perhaps, if I help to accompany you to your love, you may start to forgive me." Boromir suggested, then they both started giggling at the circular conversation, with Alana's cheeks glowing bright red at the term 'your love'.

"Very well. I had planned on spending some more time with the both of you, but since you're so desperate for me to leave, I accept your offer." Alana gave a small, graceful nod, before giggling once more.

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