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The Fellowship set out soon afterwards, heading a course west of the Misty Mountains.

The mischievous hobbits, Merry and Pippin, were walking next to Alana, just behind Gandalf and Frodo, with the others behind them.

"Alana, how do you know Gimli? It seems strange since dwarves and elves don't seem to like one another." Merry wondered.

Alana smiled, reminiscing. "I am good friends with his father, Gloin. We travelled together once on a quest to reclaim Erebor, along with twelve other dwarves, Gandalf, and Bilbo Baggins. Our company was loyal straight through to the core, and the dwarves never forgot my part in the reclaiming of Erebor. Often I visit them, and I celebrated with Gloin when Gimli was born, and have since known Gimli very well."

"I didn't know you adventured with Bilbo!" Pippin exclaimed.

"It makes sense, Pippin, Bilbo always mentioned a beautiful she elf in his stories, but he always referred to her as Thrush." Merry explained.

Alana felt her expression warming at the familiar nickname. "Thorin was not fond of elves, much less than the others, but he grew fond of me by the end and I was given the nickname of 'Thrush', after the first bird we saw returning to the mountain, since I brought good tidings of the future."

"That's quite a compliment from a dwarf king to an elf." Pippin commented.

Alana laughed a little. "Yes, it was. I was very flattered when it was first given to me, and I still am."

"Did you already know everyone in the Fellowship before now?" Pippin wondered. "You seem to know just about everybody."

"Just about. I had not met Boromir before now, but I am close friends with Aragorn and Gimli and Gandalf is my mentor." Alana replied.

"And what of Legolas then?"

Alana cringed. "We met under... unpleasant circumstances, but we are well-acquainted."

Alana was painfully aware that Legolas would be able to hear every word of this conversation and prayed the hobbits would choose to focus on walking instead of satisfying their curiosity. She should've known better.

"Do you dislike Legolas, then?" Pippin wondered.

Alana pressed her lips together tightly. "Well, I wouldn't say that. We met when I was in Thorin's company while trespassing in Mirkwood and so we could only be described as enemies at the time, though we maintained decorum at first due to our respective stations. At the time I was very easily offended and so was upset quickly, then held a grudge until very recently. I suppose that's the best way to word it, though it's complicated."

Merry and Pippin were hanging onto every word dramatically. "Is it difficult being in the Fellowship with him now then?"

Alana sweatdropped, the hobbits really had no tact. "No, that is not so difficult. What is difficult is putting aside my childish pride. Now, enough of that, it is rude to speak about someone right in front of him."

"But he's all the way at the back of the group!" Pippin said.

"Elves have very good hearing, Pippin. He easily might've listened to that whole conversation." Alana replied drily.

"Oh. Well, sorry about that, Alana."

Alana smiled fondly at the two of them, ruffling their hair. "It is nothing to fuss about, Legolas is well aware of my petty little grudge." Alana's expression became falsely stern. "Now, care to explain why you felt the need to spy on a secret Council?"

The two hobbits looked away bashfully. "Well, we couldn't leave Frodo to be alone, could we?"

Alana chuckled, easing up her expression. "I am not truly upset. You both have important roles to play, so had you not showed up, I would have dragged you myself."

"What do you mean by that?" Merry asked, stepping over a particularly large rock.

Alana looked up at the sky for a few moments before answering. "The way my foresight works is that I see possible outcomes of the future, even the near future should I focus hard enough, and in all futures, it was vital to our success as a Fellowship that you both are with us."

"Really? I did say we would be needed on this quest, didn't I?" Pippin said smugly.

Alana chuckled. "Yes, you did, dear Pippin. And do not doubt yourselves, my dear hobbits. The four of you are in many ways the strongest of all of us."

The two hobbits looked at her in wonder, before deciding to have a silly competition over who would be stronger, their egos having been boosted by Alana's comment.

Falling into step with Aragorn after leaving the hobbits to continue their competition, Alana noticed the pendant hanging from his neck.

"My cousin gave you this? She has chosen her fate then. I am happy for you." Alana told Aragorn in elvish.

"I do not wish her to sacrifice her life. I am not worthy of such a gift."

"I have never heard such a lie. You are worthy of all Eru Iluvatar has given you and more, especially Arwen's love. I would not wish her to suffer alone for all eternity when I have seen how happy she is with you, no matter how much I may miss her after she passes." Alana pressed the Evenstar into his chest, tucking it under his tunic. "Be grateful for your love, and do not resent the sacrifices she has chosen to make."

"You are unusually wise today, Alana. It is unlike you." Aragorn said, smiling down at her.

She punched him gently in the shoulder. "Do not mock me, Aragorn. I do not think it is wisdom. It is just, if there is one thing I am certain of, it is your love for Arwen, and hers for you. That is all, I have not suddenly changed from the unwise, childish elf you think I am."

Aragorn chuckled at her. "I do not think you childish or unwise, just rash and self-sacrificial at times. But, you are not a child."

Alana smiled at that. "I hope you do not say that just to appease me, but I am glad you do not think so."

"You are much older than me in years. You should not wish for my approval."

"You are a dear friend, and holder of my beloved cousin's heart. Your approval brings me joy. I do not care about age." Alana replied.

Aragorn nodded at that. "Well, I am honoured you think so highly of me, my friend."

From there, the conversation fell as they both concentrated only on the journey and the harsh terrain they were hiking.

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