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The Fellowship soon stopped for a break atop a flat hill, where Boromir took it upon himself to teach the hobbits to fight.

Alana chose to sit relatively near to Legolas, surprising him as well as herself.

"Prince Legolas. I wish to... apologize for the conversation concerning you with Pippin." Alana said uncomfortably.

Legolas chuckled at her discomfort. "There is no denying the curiosity of hobbits. I was not offended, my lady."

Alana sighed, looking anywhere elsewhere. "You may... just call me Alana. As we are in the Fellowship together, titles are quite unnecessary."

Legolas smiled widely at that, obviously pleased in a way that made Alana's cheeks flush in embarrassment. "Very well. The same applies to you, then. Please, call me Legolas."

Alana pointedly looked forward, trying to dampen the red in her cheeks by focusing on the training of the hobbits, while Legolas spent some seconds more smiling warmly at her before turning away.

"Two, three, four, five. Good, very good." Boromir was saying as Pippin and Merry attacked him.

"Move your feet!" Aragorn called from his spot a few paces behind Alana and Legolas. Alana jumped, not having known he was so near, and when they made eye contact, Aragorn smirked, earning an embarrassed glare in return.

"Faster." Boromir said.

The two hobbits continued their attack when Boromir accidentally nicked Pippin's finger.


Pippin kicked him in the shin and the two hobbits abandoned their blades in favour of tackling the man, who fell to the ground laughing.

As Alana checked in on the near future, she saw no problems nearing, but something about the blurriness of the image and the way the members of the Fellowship were standing and stern seemed wrong to her.

Worriedly, Alana turned to the elf next to her. "Legolas, someone has tampered with my vision. Something is coming but I do not know what."

The elf stood and looked around, stopping his gaze towards the South.

"Stop!" Alana told the others. "Something is coming."

They all turned to look where Legolas was facing and no one moved.

"It's nothing, just a whiff of cloud." Gimli said.

"No." Alana replied, squinting her eyes.

"It's moving fast... Against the wind." Boromir said.

Legolas suddenly realized what it was. "Crebain from Dunland!"

"Hide!" Aragorn yelled.

Before Alana could even begin to move, she was grabbed and dragged under an outcropping of rock.

With wide eyes, Alana stared at Legolas who hovered only a couple inches above her. His head was turned to the side and his gaze was more focused than she had ever seen on anyone. She knew in the back of her mind she should also be watching and listening for the passing of the Crebain, but she could not move her eyes as they gazed at the prince.

She did not normally spend much time looking at him, both due to annoyance and embarrassment, but she could not look away. Her eyes drank in the sight of his concentrated expression and the harsh angle of his jaw. She had not noticed much before, but Legolas was rather more manly, or less feminine, than most elves. His face, though just as attractive as any elf's, could only be described as handsome rather than the delicate prettiness of elves. His movements, though graceful, were powerful. His shoulder muscles more than covered her torso, protecting her from anything that could come their way, and he was able to hold himself in a lowered plank so he could fit under the rock without touching her on only one arm without seeming to feel any strain. His other arm hadn't moved from her waist from when he had pulled her with him.

The entire time they waited for the Crebain to leave, Legolas looked outwards while Alana stared at him, her cheeks growing progressively redder.

When they finally left, Legolas's focused gaze disappeared, but he still did not look at Alana. He exited from under the rock and offered her a hand out, which she accepted nervously.

In the light of day, Alana could see that Legolas's cheeks were also warmer than usual, though nowhere near as red as her own.

"Thank you, Legolas." Hearing herself, Alana cursed her breathless voice, but nothing could be done for it.

"You're welcome, Alana." 

Her name coming from his mouth had her heart rate spiking even faster and she quickly hurried to join the others in packing up the camp.

"Why did you not warn us of this?" Boromir asked. "Do you not possess the gift of foresight?"

Alana sighed. "My vision had been tampered with, though I saw nothing of danger, which I told to Legolas. It requires a lot of power to tamper with my gift, but I am able to recognize it." 

"Had she not told me of her vision, I would not have looked for the Crebain and we likely would have been seen." Legolas interrupted, looking sternly at Boromir, who nodded. Alana felt her cheeks beginning to flush again and turned her head to the side, making eye contact with Gandalf who was chuckling at her, the typical teasing spark in his eye.

Alana thanked Legolas once again, grateful her voice was no longer breathless, and continued helping pack up the camp.

Soon, they had all finished and were on their way again. This time, Alana ended up walking next to Boromir of all people, in an attempt to avoid the hobbits' questions and Legolas himself, who was walking next to Aragorn.

"Why did you join this Company, my lady?" Boromir asked. Before she could retort offendedly, he added, "I mean no offense, I am simply curious."

Alana sighed. "I have seen many futures for the Fellowship, and, as I said at the Council, it is guaranteed at least one of the Fellowship will be gone for good if I do not join, so I believe it is my responsibility to allow the possibility of life. Although success was indeed possible without me, I couldn't sit back and allow someone's death be on my hands when I could have prevented it. As a warrior and captain, I am sure you understand."

Boromir nodded, in understanding rather than acquiescence. "I do. I apologize for whatever reservations I may have due to you being a woman, but I hold much respect for you, even if I may have instinctively assumed you are no warrior."

Alana smiled, glad to have earned the man's respect, for it would be much easier for her to complete her mission if she liked him. "Thank you, Boromir. I am glad."

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