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Immediately, Gandalf and Pippin prepared to leave, going to the stables and mounting Shadowfax without wasting a moment.

"How far is Minas Tirith?" The inquisitive hobbit asked.

"Three days ride as the Nazgul flies. And you'd better hope we don't have one of those on our tail."

Alana approached the travellers, smiling reassuringly.

Pippin's face fell as he saw her, and he looked down at the ground. "I'm sorry I looked. I got you hurt."

Alana chuckled, ruffling his hair fondly. "It ended up being lucky you did, you rascal. Don't feel guilty, this is not your burden."

Pippin nodded hesitantly, before wrapping his arms around her in an awkward hug from atop Shadowfax. Gandalf pulled him off after a brief moment, placing a gentle hand on Alana's shoulder. "Stay safe, my dear. Now is not the time to be self-sacrificial."

Alana smiled weakly. "I'll do my best to stay out of trouble. Be safe."

Gandalf barely nodded before Shadowfax took off, only a speck in the distance within moments.

Retreating inside, Alana passed by Merry and Aragorn, who were watching Gandalf and Pippin disappear, and gave Merry a quick ruffle of his hair and soothing smile.

Catching sight of her, Legolas made his way to her side, his hand enlacing with hers.

"Are you alright, meleth nin?" He asked in a low voice as they walked through the halls of Meduseld.

Alana nodded, then leaned up to press a kiss to his jaw. "I have faith."

They walked in silence for a moment. "There was more to your dream than what you said."

Alana paused, her cheeks flushing. "I did not feel it necessary to share all the details."

Legolas squeezed her hand gently. "Will you tell just me?"

Looking up, Alana found Legolas to be much closer than she thought, and his clear blue eyes seemed to reach all the way to her soul.

"I..." Alana trailed off, before she nodded, looking away embarrassedly. "It was at Aragorn and Arwen's wedding. I walked her down the aisle, and the ceremony was beautiful. Then... it was just... you and I. We were... engaged." Alana felt her voice lower at the word and her heartbeat quickened. "We were discussing... when our wedding would be... and then... that's when he ruined it." Alana pointedly looked down the hall, ignoring Legolas's eyes, which gazed at her tenderly with a bashful smile. "I think that's... how he had the idea to force me to marry him."

When Legolas said nothing, Alana felt disappointment creep through her mind. "I'm sorry if you... don't want-"

She was cut off by Legolas's hand lifting her chin to look at him, and she found that, instead of the discomfort she had been fearing, his eyes were full of warmth and a glimpse of excitement that sparked an unfamiliar sensation in her stomach. 

"I would marry you this very instant if you would let me." His voice seemed deeper than usual, and Alana felt warmth spread through her entire body as her heart skipped a beat and her breath stopped.

"And I would let you." She confessed in a whisper, looking up at him through her lashes.

Time stopped as their gazes clashed, and Alana wondered how long she could hold her breath before she fainted. As their bodies subconsciously drew closer to one another, Legolas's hands found themselves on Alana's waist as her hands wandered up his arms to his shoulders. The teasing, gentle brush of his fingers had her sucking in her breath, her pupils dilating visibly. Noticing her reaction, Legolas's eyes locked in on her intensely, and his hands tensed by her sides.

Legolas stepped closer and Alana automatically stepped back, pulling him with her as her back hit the wall, making her sharply inhale. As he dipped his head closer and paused with uneven breaths, she tilted hers up to capture his lips in a kiss that had her grateful for the extra support from the wall. She was sure otherwise her legs would have buckled underneath her.

The kiss was different than any they'd shared so far. Where the others were innocent and soothing, this one burned through Alana's whole body, and her hands couldn't get enough of him. They moved from his arms, to his back, down to his chest, as she tried to memorize the feel of him with her hands. His own hands seemed to do the same, grasping her waist and the back of her neck and tangling in her hair. They skirted around areas that made the heat grow stronger, brushing just almost her chest, but not quite, and just almost her hips, then back to her waist. 

As Alana gasped at his teasingly gentle then firm touch, their tongues fought, and he somehow came even closer to her, one of his hands fisted in her hair, tilting her head up towards him.

The heat was something Alana had never felt before, and she seemed to crave it more with each second that passed.

The clearing of someone's throat interrupted them. Eyes opening wide, Alana immediately shoved Legolas off of her, finding Aragorn shaking his head at them. He looked as though he wanted to say something for a few moments, before just looking at them disappointedly and walking away.

Alana scoffed. "Considering what I have walked in on him and Arwen doing..." She trailed off. "Quite a hypocrite he is."

Legolas looked down at her, amused at her attempts to hide how embarrassed she was. The flush in her cheeks and her constantly wandering eyes gave her away. "I don't suppose those things were done in a hallway, though, knowing Aragorn."

Alana glared at him, slapping his arm gently. "I would have once said the same thing about you, Legolas." She said his voice accusingly, as if he were the only one to initiate their earlier actions. He only smiled, infuriatingly, and Alana hit his arm again, her lips pulled into a somewhat fake pout. "Don't look at me like that."

"Like what, meleth nin?" Legolas beseeched teasingly.

Huffing, Alana crossed her arms, pointedly forcing herself to look anywhere but his lips, quirked in that infuriating, tantalizing smirk. "Don't look so proud of your indecency."

"My indecency? It seemed to me as though you rather enjoyed it as much as I did." Legolas pointed out cockily. "Of course, if I'm wrong, I'll be sure not to do that again."

Alana opened her mouth to argue, before seeing the triumph in his eyes and shutting herself up. As he started to move away from her, tauntingly slowly, she frowned, reluctantly muttering, "Well, not in a hallway at least." Alana felt her own words make herself blush, and she pushed Legolas off of her completely in her embarrassment. 

"Do you mean to say you have no qualms about doing such things in a private room?" Legolas asked in a low voice, his eyes burning through Alana's entire body. "And here you call me the indecent one."

Alana huffed once more, turning and starting to walk down the hallway. "Don't make fun of me. If it really came down to it, you know you would be the one to lose control first."

The vibrations of Legolas's deep voice sent shivers up Alana's spine at his next words. "Oh, I'm well aware." Alana had stopped walking, and bit her lip to relieve the tension building up in her body.

Alana exhaled shakily. "Th-that's enough of that. I'll see you later." Hastily, Alana walked down the hallway, away from her smirking, taunting, tempting lover waiting for her. She would most definitely not give in first.

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