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When Alana awoke, she found she had moved to be completely on top of Legolas with one arm resting on his chest and the other in his hair. Moving as slowly as she could, she adjusted so she could see his face as she gently combed through his silky hair. She felt her cheeks flush and heartbeat pick up as she realized the situation she had put herself in. An unmarried couple. Sharing a bed. 

Alana did her best to ignore those thoughts, instead only gazing at Legolas, her hand still absentmindedly threading through his hair. Her gaze travelling from his peaceful expression to his sharp jawline, Alana found herself wondering what it would be like to kiss it. Her face inched closer subconsciously, but she stopped an inch away, opting instead to hide her face in his neck, her breathing uneven. Her hand stopped going through his hair as she desperately tried to calm her racing heartbeat.

The arms around her tightened and Alana felt her cheeks burn. 

"Good morning, meleth nin... Did you sleep well?" Legolas's deep voice paused as he felt her breath hitch against his neck.

Alana nodded, humming in reply, but did not look up. "Have you been awake long?"

"A few minutes." Legolas replied, looking at her curiously.

Alana's head shot up and she hovered over Legolas as her cheeks flushed further. "You were awake?"

Legolas chuckled, grinning at her, though she could see the faintest flush also present on his face. "Should I have stayed sleeping?"

Alana huffed, looking at the wall stubbornly. "You could have said something."

The boyish smirk on Legolas's face was something Alana had never seen before and it had her heart racing even faster. "Said what exactly?"

Alana couldn't reply, all she could do was sit up and face the wall to try to temper her heartbeat.

Legolas sat up too, worriedly looking at her wide eyes and shaking hands. "Are you uncomfortable? I'm sorry Alana. I'm-"

Alana cut him off, voice breathy. "I'm not uncomfortable. Just..." Alana trailed off and her gaze caught the jawline she had been eyeing, and her mind drifted once more. For lack of words, Alana gave in and finally pressed her lips just between his cheek and his jaw, lingering for a few seconds before hesitantly pulling away.

Legolas swallowed harshly, his ears clearly red, before he swiftly turned to look at Alana again, his eyes burning despite his flustered expression.

At the look in his eyes, Alana simultaneously felt like shrinking away and leaning in. Her body opted for the latter, and they were only an inch apart, eyes not leaving each other until his glanced at her lips. A moment later, he moved his head up and left a gentle kiss on her forehead, his hand caressing her cheek.

"I should not test my self control any longer." Legolas mumbled against her forehead before pulling away and standing from the bed in a strangely stiff manner.

Alana could not bring herself to move, although she missed the warmth of his body immediately. The sudden cold seemed to wake her up from the trance she'd been in, and she nodded reluctantly. 

"That is probably for the best." Alana said, fidgeting with her fingers. Forcing herself to make eye contact with him, though it brought an immediate blush back to her face, Alana whispered, "Thank you for staying."

Legolas nodded, and the two remained in silence for a moment before Legolas forced himself to leave. "I will see you at breakfast, Alana."

Alana hummed, tugging at a fraying thread of her nightgown. 

Once Legolas was gone, Alana fell back against the bed, heart hammering wildly in her chest. "Oh my Valar..." She mumbled into her pillow, which she could still smell his scent of forest in. "Oh my... He stayed all night... We slept in the same bed... and this morning..."

Alana jumped up, having too much energy to stay in one spot, and changed into one of the dresses in the small wardrobe—a white blouse under a brown, wool dress, which thankfully did not trail along the floor like the nightgown had. It was certainly much simpler than she was used to, but she did not mind.

A knock came on the door and Alana sat up hastily, trying to straighten the sheets as best she could as Eowyn entered the room hesitantly.

"Are you feeling better, Lady Alana?" The girl asked, her eyes roving the room.

Alana nodded awkwardly, doing her best not to blush. "Yes, quite fine, thank you, Eowyn. Again, I am sorry for waking you."

"Do not trouble yourself, my lady." Eowyn reassured.

A moment passed before Eowyn continued. "Breakfast will be served, if you are hungry."

Alana nodded, following the girl through Meduseld once more while trying to make note of directions to get back to the room. 

As they entered the dining hall, Alana's eyes immediately met Legolas's, and her cheeks started to burn once more, but she forced it down, looking away quickly as she sat next to Aragorn, who was chuckling under his breath. Aragorn locked eyes with Gimli, who huffed under his breath, shaking his head at the two elves.

Aragorn reached out to nudge Alana's shoulder playfully with his hand and she flinched back, before taking a steadying breath.

"My apologies, Aragorn." She mumbled, clenching her hands in her lap. How could she flinch away from Aragorn? The man she thought of as a brother, who she knew would never hurt her?

Legolas was kneeling by her side in a second, his hand sliding into hers gently. "Are you alright, Alana?"

Alana nodded tiredly. "Yes, it will just be a while before anyone can touch me." Anyone except you. The words remained unspoken, but were heard loudly by all her companions who observed the relaxation in her shoulders once Legolas was near.

Without another word, Aragorn moved one seat down and Legolas promptly took his previous seat next to Alana, still holding her hand. The elf gave a thankful nod to Aragorn, who smiled bittersweetly in response.

"Thank you, Aragorn, and sorry." Alana said quietly. The tension from that morning had been all but forgotten as Alana leaned into Legolas's side, well aware that such displays of affection were not befitting of breakfast time. 

"Do not apologize, Alana. It is alright to need time to heal." Aragorn replied without hesitation. "We all care only about your happiness."

Alana nodded, smiling genuinely at her friend as the doors of the hall opened loudly, and Gandalf strode in carrying an unconscious girl with a young boy following them. At once, the peaceful atmosphere vanished and reality was present once again.

Of Futures Past (Legolas)Where stories live. Discover now