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Boromir opted  to help Alana all the way to the archery range, despite her protests that she was fine—neither of the men believed her. Of course, they were indeed correct, which was proven by Alana's need to rest against a tree once they reached the archery range; Boromir also suspected though that she was nervous to see her elf once more.

"Thank you, for accompanying me, Boromir. You need not wait, I am sure you wish to return to training." Alana said, smiling peacefully up at him.

"What type of gentleman would I be to leave an injured lady on her own? Besides, I must inform Legolas of the instructions for your leg. Knowing you, you would cheat yourself of a proper recovery and start walking without your crutch or help." Boromir immediately refused, smirking at her pout, then called out to Legolas seeing as Alana seemed too hesitant to do so herself.

The elf looked over confusedly, before snapping to attention once he saw Alana and walking over.

"Aragorn said you were locked in your room yesterday." Legolas commented, his intense gaze making a pink hue fill Alana's cheeks as she nodded.

"She overworked herself and will likely try to again. The maid said she is not to walk without her crutch and preferably should have some aid as well." Boromir explained, nodding to Legolas. 

"I take it you aren't too excited about these restrictions." Legolas chuckled.

Alana rolled her eyes. "You all seem to think I do not know how to take care of myself. I am perfectly fine following my healer's orders."

"You are perfectly fine lying." Boromir disagreed, ruffling her hair. "I will return to training now. I trust Legolas will make sure you do not injure yourself further."

Alana frowned at him, crossing her arms, while Legolas nodded firmly to the man as Boromir returned from where they'd come.

Noticing Alana was still frowning, Legolas chuckled. "Is it so difficult for you to take care of yourself?"

The pink hue returned to Alana's cheeks as she met his amused yet loving gaze. "No."

"You are so stubborn, Alana." Legolas said while smiling. 

"I am not! When have I ever been stubborn?" Alana denied vehemently, her pink cheeks turning red as Legolas leaned closer.

"Would you really like me to answer that?"

Eyes wide at how close their faces were, Alana found herself losing her train of thought. "I guess not." Alana found herself reaching a hand up as if to touch his face, then turned away, face burning and hand clutched to her chest.

Legolas's gaze turned both amused and disappointed and he also briefly looked elsewhere. "Would you like to sit down?"

"I am perfectly fine standing up, no need to coddle me!" Alana immediately retorted, looking up at Legolas petulantly.

He smiled softly, his eyes tender as he shook his head. "It was only a question, meleth nin."

Just like that, Alana's face turned fifty shades of red and she reached up to hide her face behind her hair. Legolas gently grabbed her hands and pulled them away from her face; she could've sworn her heart stopped. She stared wide-eyed at him through a thin curtain of hair, mouth slightly open.

"You... you confuse me Legolas." Alana murmured in a small voice, desperately wanting to look away but unable to. At her words, Legolas frowned, the hurt expression on his face not unnoticed as he let go of her hands. "I held that stupid grudge against you until so very recently and suddenly my emotions seem so... unfamiliar to me. I am supposed to be... I have never... I am so used to knowing what will happen, and yet I..." Alana's frustration at not being able to express herself was clearly shown on her face. "I do not know how to explain. I have never felt what it is I feel for you." The hurt faded from Legolas's expression as a new light dawned on him. 

He reached his hand up to cup Alana's cheek and she leaned into it, holding his hand to her with her own. "I am sorry if I am rushing you, meleth nin. I have loved you for fifty years, so I will wait if you need more time. I do not wish to cause you distress."

His hand brushed away the hairs hiding her face, which was staring up at him in shock. "You... You have truly loved me for fifty years... I never once guessed, and I was so cruel to you. All those years. I must have hurt you deeply."

Legolas broke eye contact briefly, not wanting her to see his vulnerability. Her hands cautiously cupped his face, stroking his cheek gently. "I am sorry for all these years. I hate that I have caused you pain."

Legolas closed his eyes, relishing in her touch. "You do not cause me pain. You are my greatest comfort."

Thinking back to their recent travels, Alana realized, "And you are mine. At once my greatest comfort and my greatest fear, for I could not bear to lose you." Leaning forwards, she pressed her forehead to his, closing her eyes and breathing in their closeness.

Legolas opened his eyes and gazed warmly at the love of his life, her soft smile warming up his own. He was well aware she hadn't told him she loved him, but he would wait an eternity for her to be ready; what she had told him already was enough to confirm that she was the one he would spend his life with, no matter the trials it would take.

They spent some more moments just breathing each other in, relaxing in their arms as they finally addressed their feelings. For the first time, Alana actively looked to see her own future should they succeed. Briefly, the familiar visions of Aragorn's crowning and wedding flashed, but then all images were full of her and Legolas. Dancing together, travelling together while Gimli complained about their 'lovey-doveyness', living together in the restored Greenwood, and an infinite of more memories to pass.

A stroke of Legolas's hand on her cheek returned her to the present and she looked into his piercing blue eyes lovingly. Oh how lovely it would be if this could last forever.

Of Futures Past (Legolas)Where stories live. Discover now