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As the day turned to dusk, Theoden bade his guards set up rooms for the weary travellers. Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli had beds set up in a hall together, while Alana was led away by the King's niece, Eowyn.

"I saw your weapons. You are a warrior?" Eowyn asked interestedly.

"I suppose you could say that. I do fight, but only out of necessity." Alana replied, smiling politely at the young girl. "Are you?"

Eowyn frowned, her pretty face hardening. "My uncle does not allow me to fight, but I wish to."

Alana hummed, a new interest in the girl burning in her eyes. "Why is that?"

"Because I do not want to waste away doing nothing while others die for my people knowing I could help." Eowyn responded passionately.

Smiling, Alana patted her shoulder. "You and I are very similar then. Both royalty, and both warriors by choice."

"You are royalty?" Eowyn asked.

"Yes, a princess of Lothlorien. I do not spend so much time there though, I travel often and learn from Gandalf." Alana explained as she followed the girl through the halls of Meduseld.

"I wish I were allowed the freedom you have." Eowyn sighed.

Alana smiled bitterly. "It comes at a heavy cost. Worry not, though, Eowyn, you will experience your own type of freedom, and it may be better than mine."

Eowyn grinned at that. "You think so?"

The she-elf nodded warmly as they turned into a small room with a hastily made bed and a door connecting to another room.

"The bathroom connects to my bedroom. If you need anything, you may come ask me." Eowyn said, laying a spare nightgown on the bed for her. Alana nodded gratefully.

Once Eowyn left, Alana bathed quickly then put on the nightgown, slightly longer than she was tall. Nervously, she lay down in the bed and shut her eyes, wrapping herself tightly with the blanket.

As sleep overcame her, pictures filled her brain. First they were just colours, warm and inviting, then they turned harsh and cold. Her breaths quickened and shivers went up her spine as the feeling of hands overcame her senses. The colours turned into an image. The filthy orc smirked down at her, leaning closer and closer. Its stench filled her nose, stifling her. Tears streamed down Alana's cheeks as she struggled to escape. As the hand closed around her throat, she jolted awake, breathing heavily and sobbing.

Her hair was mess, her body curled up in a fetal position, and suddenly all the noises in the room sounded like a threat. Alana pressed her back against the headrest of the bed, holding her head in her hands as her cries shook her body.

Minutes passed, and all Alana could feel was its hands on her, touching her, violating her. 

Eowyn, having been woken by sounds coming from Alana's room, had entered and was asking how she could help. Alana did not hear her. The young girl, conflicted, left, and hurried to the Fellowship's shared room.

Hearing the door shut, Alana's head rose up from her arms and she took deep breaths to calm herself down. She did not move from her position, but she calmed down enough to breathe normally. When she felt steady enough, she moved to the edge of the bed and contemplated whether she should go find the room the rest of her companions were staying in. Could she wake him up without waking the others? Should she wait until morning?

As she debated, a knock came at her door. Standing up, Alana started towards the door when it opened from the outside and Eowyn peeked her head in. Seeing Alana much more composed, the girl opened the door wider and Legolas was behind her.

"I apologize if I've overstepped my boundaries, Lady Alana." Eowyn whispered, bowing her head.

"No, no, I was just about to go find him myself. I'm sorry for waking you. Go back to sleep." Alana reassured, and the girl rushed out of the room to go back to sleep.

Legolas closed the distance between them and started to reach out, but paused, looking at her worriedly. "Are you alright, meleth nin?"

Alana noticed Legolas's falling hands and frowned. "I... I am frightened. I do not wish to fall asleep again." As she bowed her head and pieces of hair fell in front of her face, she saw Legolas's hands twitch as if to brush them out of the way. "Are you worried you'll scare me?" Alana asked in a small voice.

Legolas's voice was rough as he replied. "I do not wish to cause you any more pain."

Alana met his eyes through the hairs covering her face, grabbing one of his hands. "You will never scare me. I trust you."

Legolas's eyes softened and he finally reached his free hand up to brush the hair out of her face, her lips curving into a vulnerable smile as she leaned into his touch.

"Are you still frightened?" Legolas asked softly, eyeing the tear tracks on Alana's cheeks, almost invisible in the dark.

"Not the way I was before." Alana murmured, focusing on the warmth spreading from his hand to her cheek. She stepped closer to him, pressing her face into his chest as his arms wrapped around her tightly, protecting her from all the bad things in the world.

"Will you be able to sleep?" Legolas wondered, stroking her back absentmindedly. 

Panic filled her and Alana tightened her grip around him. "Don't leave, please."

Legolas gently caressed her head. "I don't plan on leaving unless you ask me to."

"I feel safer with you here." Alana mumbled against his chest.

For a few moments, they remained in that position, then Legolas started to pull away. Keeping an arm around her shoulders, he led her back to the bed and sat her down. As he started to settle himself on the floor, Alana pulled him by the hand and made room for him to lie down next to her.

Legolas paused uncertainly, making eye contact with her to make sure she was alright.

"I trust you." is all she said, and Legolas smiled gently, laying next to her and pulling the blankets over the both of them as Alana nestled herself into his side, using his arm as a pillow. 

As she started to drift off, she felt a light pressure on her head and smiled to herself.

Of Futures Past (Legolas)Where stories live. Discover now