"Before Marriage"

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Abhimanyu pov

Today is the day.


I don't know whats wrong with her these days.

Arjun : Calm down. Have you always been like this?

Siya : Maybe take a closer and you will understand.

Subhadra : Stop it everyone. Abhi how do you feel?

Me : What do you mean?

Parikshit : I think she means if you are stressed.

Me : I am fine. When are we supposed to be at the mandap?

Siddharth : You seem impatient.

Me : Oh please are you sure its just me? You guys haven't seen your wives since last night don't think I don't know your feelings.

Suhotra : Who is getting married here us or you?

Draupadi : Okay chill out. Abhi we will go in sometime. I have asked Suthanu to check on her.

Exactly that time Suthanu came.

Suthanu : We might have a small situation okay wait let me rephrase it. We have a huge situation.

Me : What?

Suthanu : Well Uttara is is....

Niramitra : Please don't say missing.

Suthanu : No. She wants to talk to Abhi.

Me : Is everything alright?

Suthanu : Well she is crying and has locked herself in her changing room.

Me : You were with her last night.

Suthanu : No we weren't. We asked her to join she didn't want and also the changing room door won't budge. Even Samyu is not able to break it.

Me : We should go. Pari stay with your cousins. Lets go guys.

We all nodded. We went to Uttara's room. Samyu was trying to break the door.

Nishant : Samyu you are going to get hurt.

I went towards the door and kept my hands on it.

Me : Can you hear me Uttara?

Uttara : Yes I can.

Me : What happened?

Uttara : They tore my dress.

Subhadra : Who?

Uttara : Sughanda and Arohi.

Me : Fine calm down. Pragu do you have the extra wedding dress?

Pragathi nodded and ran.

Me : We have less than an hour.

Draupadi : i can do her hair.

Pranitha : Pragathi can do her makeup.

Suthanu : I will fix her dress.

Me : Good. Rest all of us also have something important to do.

Suthakarma : What?

Me : We as in not us boys but the girls.

Bhargavi : Bhai I think I know what you are thinking.

Me : Yes good girl. Lets prove to everyone that if you mess with us what kind of punishment you get.

Bhargavi smiled.

Mirnal : Come on Abhi we are too old for this.

I smiled at her.

Me : Are you sure?

Mirnal : Fine.

Yudhisthir : What are you all upto?

Me : You will see.

A DIFFERENT MAHABHARATANơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ