"I love you"

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Subhadra pov

Its been a month since Urvi's wedding. Meaning its been three months since my wedding. She says she is happy there. The chedi princess have left back to Chedi. Draupadi is practically fighting with Bheem over the food. What am I doing? Well not talking to Arjun and only hanging out with Nakul.

Today Arjun announced that he has to visit Uloopi. It seems she needs help and Arjun owes her something. He news was more of like towards Draupadi. He didn't even look at me.

Right now I'm in my room resting. Since yesterday I have been feeling tired and dizzy. Exactly that time Arjun entered. i got up and we both looked at each awkwardly.

Arjun : We need to talk.

Me : What?

Arjun : You are ignoring me.

Me : Should I celebrate?! You hate me.

Arjun : I don't.

Me : You hated me. Blamed me for stuff I never did. Do you know how much it hurted me? I loved you a lot but you didn't even think about that. It was always some stupid proofs that some random person showed. It was never my love or the trust I expected you to have.

Arjun : I'm sorry. I really love you.

Me : You don't.

Before I even understood what happened. Everything around me became black.

Arjun pov

Draupadi : What happened that day?

Now me Subhadra Draupadi and Nakul are the only ones in the room. Subhadra was lying on the bed while Draupadi was slowly creasing her head.

Nakul : What day?

Draupadi looked at him with one eye brow raised.

Me : Look we three got married.

Draupadi : How?

Me : Well.......

Nakul : We got caught by some villagers and not the good ones.

Draupadi : What do you mean?

Me : Well ever heard of dark magic?

Draupadi nodded yes.

Me : They believed in that. When they saw Subhadra they thought to give her as an offering but this wonderful lady used her magic to shield us.

Draupadi : Okay? Then what happened?

Nakul : It seems a three days earlier the priest got a dream of someone telling him to get the girl that was coming in three days to their village to be married to the two men coming along with her.

Draupadi : He could have ignored it.

Me : It seems that the girl who has two husbands and is no longer a virgin can help them from some witches. Don't ask me but it is weird.

Draupadi : Aren't witches and black magic the same?

"No they are not"

We turned to find Subhadra awake (Draupadi's full attention was on Nakul and Arjun). She slowly sat up and looked at us.

Subhadra : Witches steal magic. Black magic is just dark magic. Thats all I can say more than that get complicated.

Draupadi nodded.

Draupadi : So you guys got caught got married and you three had a night together.

Nakul : Only Bhadra and Arjun.

Draupadi : That means.......the child in the womb is yours.

Subhadra : I'm sorry whose child whose womb?

Draupadi : You are pregnant stupid.

Subhadra : I'm not.

Draupadi looked at Nakul.

Nakul : Have you been feeling tired? (Subhadra nodded yes) Dizzy? (again nodded yes) Nauseous (again nodded yes) Yep signs and now you fainted. Anything more.

Draupadi : Umm have you been getting your.......

Subhadra : No. Oh my gosh I am pregnant.

Draupadi : Welcome to the club.

Nakul : Yay. I'm going to be the second father.

Draupadi looked at me and Subhadra and softly said : Look he is going away for at least a month. I know you guys had some very bad past but its time to restart. At least not for you guys but at least for the child.

Nakul : What did you do to our rude Draupadi?

Draupadi : Very funny. We should leave you guys alone. Anyways I want something to eat. Arya Nakul come on.

Nakul : I'm worried one day there will be no food and she will eat me.

Draupadi rolled her eyes and both of them left. Leaving us.

Subhadra : She is right. Its time to start over. Do you have to go?

Me : I owe her. She saved my life.

Subhadra : One day you are going to tell me what she did.

Me : One day I promise.

She smiled at me.

Me : I love you.

Subhadra just nodded.

Me : Its going to take time?

Subhadra : Yep.

Me : I can wait.

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