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(I forgot to mention this is after 7 years of Pandav's marriage to Draupadi)

Draupadi pov

I have to go and wake up all the kids. Today their cousins are coming and these kids are sleeping. I would have sent Renu to wake them up but she is very harsh at waking up people.

One time we ladies were sleeping together and we asked Renu to wake us up early as she is the only one who is the early bird in our group. She woke us up by screaming and made all of us fall down from the bed. Since then we don't let her wake anyone up.

Right now I am outside the kids room when I saw Arya Arjun.

Me : Arya you here?

Arjun : I came here to wake the kids.

Me : Me too.

We entered the room. The kids were sleeping in their beds. We kept our sons and daughters in the same room for now and was planning on making them sleep separately when they turn 10 years.

We first went to wake the eldest which is none other than Suthanu and Abhimanyu. Suthanu shared her bed with Samyuktha.

Suthanu slowly opened her eyes and seeing me she smiled. Samyuktha who preferred silence while sleeping also slowly opened her eyes.

Samyuktha had the looks of Valandra but she was Arya Bheem in her food habits and attitude. Suthanu was me in all ways but she loved peace and was like Arya Yudhisthir in her work. They both are very close but they have different set of friends in school.

I don't like it when my kids go to school. Of course I want them to learn and all but I wish they did it at home. But alas my husbands thinks its a good idea.

I saw Arya Arjun wake up Abhimanyu and Niramitra.

Abhimanyu is a lot like Arya Arjun in all manners but his mind works are all like his uncle Krish. We all used to joke to Subhadra about Abhi being nothing like her but for the past few years she would just nod. Even Nakul didn't know why. Even if Abhi has a lot more cousins elder to him he was still the boss for some reason. Niramitra is nothing like Nakul and Renu. He is very silent and prefers to be by himself. Nobody has broken that shell.

I went ahead and woke up my third angel. Bhargavi. The minute she woke she showed me a very naughty grin. Arjun seeing her went and picked her up.

Bhargavi : I am big girl now put me down Pitashree.

Arjun : Big girl are you sure about that? I heard from a little bird that yesterday you started screamed in the night.

Bhargavi looked accusing at Niramitra who didn't seem to care.

Bhargavi : Its not my fault. I saw nightmare and in that I was covered in fire. Thats why I screamed.

Arjun cast me a look.

Bhargavi : Ma ask Pitashree to put me down.

Bhargavi was not my daughter. She was Arjun and Chitra's daughter.  Chitra gave up her daughter for the throne something that Arjun will never forgive her for. We all lied to Bhargavi stating that she is our daughter and we hope she will never find out.

Me : Arya put her down. Go and wake up the others.

Bhargavi went and sat next to Suthanu and Samyuktha.

Arya went ahead and woke up Karthik and Suthakarma.

Suthakarma like Arya Arjun woke up instantly. He was also my son but people will never believe that. He was very silent and doesn't talk much to anyone while I was the complete opposite. Nakul used to say to us about how Niramitra and Suthakarma are so alike which worries me sometimes. Even Arya Sahadev was the silent person but he destroyed Vijaya's life will these two also become like that?

Arjun : Panchali help me wake up Karthik.

Now I have various names. Arya Yudhisthir calls me Drau. Arya Bheem calls me Nitya. Arya Arjun call me Panchali and Arya Nakul Nitya. Arya Sahadev well he calls me Draupadi.

Samyuktha : I will do it. KARTHIK NAIRA HAS COME!

Instantly Karthik woke up and looked around. Seeing the fact that it was prank he glared at Samyuktha.

Karthik is mine and Arya Bheem's son. He is not like Suthakarma. He is funny, talkative and loves to eat and cook. Sometimes he joins Arya Bheem in stealing food. I always catch them. He also has a big crush on Naira. Which we all know.

Karthik : Seriously to wake me up you couldn't come up with a better thing.

Samyuktha just smiled. Now only two people were left. Pragathi and Pranitha. I slowly woke them up.

Pranitha is the daughter of mine and Arya Sahadev. She is silent but thats mostly because she is shy. She loves Pragathi a lot. She is very kind to people. She is also very smart.

Pragathi is the daughter of mine and Nakul. She is nothing like Pranitha. She is very talkative and well loves the mirror. Except she isn't vile she loves to help animals and people. Also she is apple of the eye of Arya Nakul.

Arjun : Good you all are awake. I need you guys to run 4 times around the garden. (All the kids groaned)

"Not my Pragu"

Pragathi : PITASHREE!

She practically ran to Arya Nakul.

Me : I think they deserve a break. The practice at school and now home also.

Arjun : Panchali they are going to take our place one day. They need to be prepared.

Suthanu : Don't worry uncle. Just give us sometime and we will come down.

Me : Wait Thanu for sometime.

Nakul : I am taking my daughter for an outing.

Pranitha : I wish my father would do that.

I don't blame her. Sahadev never showed any love Pranitha. I know he loves her but he has never shown it.

Pragathi : Pitashree we will go some other time I want to be with Pranitha.

Pranitha : No you go enjoy.

Me : She is right Pragu. Prani is going to have a girl's outing with me.

Arjun : Hello I'm still here.

Me : Give them a break. Pleaseeeeeeeeee

Arjun : Okay fine but only because you asked. Bhargavi why don't we do something together?

Bhargavi : Yes lets practice archery.

Me : She is your daughter.

Samyuktha : I'm going to help Ma with cooking.

Abhimanyu : I'm gonna practice. Nira you want to join (Niramitra nodded)

Suthanu : I will join you.

Karthik : I have no other work to do. Me and Sutha will also join.

Suthakarma just nodded.

Me : Do whatever you want but don't forget your cousins are coming and also someone special.

Suthanu : Someone special?

Me : Yeah.

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