"Planning a picnic"

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Nakul pov

Right now I'm with Subhadra. She is busy playing with Abhimanyu. Whenever I look at him I get reminded that I'm more of his uncle than his father. I never said this to Subhadra but thats how I feel.

Subhadra : Arya do you think we should visit Vijaya in Chedi?

Me : Uhhhh I tried reaching out to her but she has cut out all the ways. Only Draupadi talks to her. Why don't you check with Draupadi?

Subhadra : Oh right silly me.

There was a big awkward silence between us. Exactly that time Arjun entered.

Arjun : Am I interrupting anything?

Me : Nope nothing at all.

Arjun : Well I have something important to tell you Subhi. I know I promised you to take you on a picnic but I can't. Draupadi wants me to help her with few things. I'm sorry Subhi.

Subha looked sad. Like seriously why does she (Draupadi) need Arjun's help she can have mine. She has made Subha sad. Nobody makes her sad.

Arjun : Wait on a second thought. Nakul why don't you take her on a picnic.

Me : I don't mind but I thought it was your day out?

Arjun : Come on man. Please.......

Me : Fine. If Subhadra is okay with it.

I have stopped calling her Subha since we stopped talking to each other. I mean she is still my friend but now a days she prefers Arjun more than me.

Subhadra : That would be wonderful. Arya Nakul, me and Abhi will go together.

Arjun : NO! Abhi stays with me.

We both looked at him confused.

Arjun : I mean Renu. Your wife only jug head wants Abhi to be with her. And her hormones are not helping so.......

Me : I got it. Its true she is having a hormonal problem. I mean mood swings.

Subhadra : Well okay.

Arjun smiled at us and went outside.

Arjun pov

I went to Draupadi's room well technically she is spending it with Bheem bhai. I knocked on the door.

Draupadi opened it. I entered.

Me : Well the plan is set.

Bheem : Vijaya and Sahadev?

Draupadi : Not that plan. That won't happen for now.

Bheem : Then what plan?

Me : Subhadra and Nakul.

Bheem : Am I supposed to be worried?

Me : Don't be. Everything is set.

Draupadi : Arya Nakul has to let out his feeling towards her.

Bheem : He will. You don't worry.


I know its a short update but next will be a bit bigger.

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