"A Problem In The Plan"

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Two weeks later

Subhadra pov

Draupadi : You know what to do.

I nodded.

Satyabhama : Should we go with her.

Draupadi : Are you crazy? You are pregnant. I can't go with her because I'm having a horrible leg pain and also if I go they will understand we planned it.

Me : I'll be fine.

We three were walking when we heard some screaming.


Satyabhama : That's Karn's voice.

We three peaked in and were shocked to find Karn shouting at Urvi.

Urvi : He was crying. I was just trying to calm him down.

Karn : You are not his mother okay! OKAY!!

Urvi timidly nodded.

Karn : Just get out.

Urvi came out and seeing us she gave a small smile.

Draupadi : Karn bhai doesn't understand even if he pushes Urvi away I'll make them together.

Me : Sure do that after I run away.

Satyabhama : SO when should she run away?

Draupadi : Few minutes before the wedding. We both will go to bring her and we will help her escape. Then we will come back saying we checked everywhere and she is nowhere. I explained Rajkumar Nakul and Rajkumar Arjun what to do.

Four hours later

I'm ready for the wedding aka my running away plan. Any moment now Satyabhama and Draupadi are going to come in. I looked at the walls of my room. Most probably this will be the last time I'll even be in this room.

Draupadi and Satyabhama arrived.

Draupadi gave me a vile.

Draupadi : Wear this and go. Karn will be right behind you while you walk outside the castle after that you are on your own. I want you to wait some where. Arjun and Nakul will reach you and help you to the cottage or whatever that is.

Satyabhama hugged me so much.

Me : I'll be fine. Take care of yourself and the little one.

Satybhama nodded her head. I instantly left the room.

Arjun pov

Like planned Draupadi and Satya came back. Satya started crying saying that Subhadra was missing. Draupadi was calming her down.

Krish : Satya cool down. Its not good for the child. Jambavati take her to her room.

Jambavati nodded and took her.

Balaram : What happened Draupadi?

Draupadi : We went to bring her and she is missing. Congrats you just lost your sister for your stupid reasons.

Man she knows how to turn the tables.

Krish : Me Arjun and Nakul will look for her.

Exactly that time Rukmini held her stomach and started screaming.

Draupadi leaned towards us : This is not my idea.

Nakul : We know.

Revathi : Rukmini is in labor. I won't let you go. Arjun and Nakul can go look for her.

We both nodded and we were about to go when Krish called out to us : Be careful!

Nakul : Thats weird.

Satyabhama pov

Draupadi : How come they didn't contact you yet?

Me, Draupadi, Yudhisthir, Bheem, Sahadev, Dhirsthduyman, Urvi, Karn and sleeping Srinivas were sitting in my room. Rukmini had just given birth to a lovely boy. Balaram asked for forgiveness from Hastinapur.

Now we were waiting for Arjun's call. We told everything to Yudhisthir bhai and Urvi. Yudhisthir bhai freaked out a bit but Draupadi calmed him down. Urvi didn't care she just sat there. I could see taking glances at Karn.

Dhirsthduyman : I'm feeling sleepy.

Draupadi : I'm sure they will call anytime now.

Next day

We all fell a sleep in my room. Me Urvi and Draupadi on the bed. Srinivas slept near Urvi and Draupadi. I wondered how they didn't crush him. The boys were on the floor.

Suddenly Draupadi's mirror rang. A girl was crying.

Draupadi : What happened?

She put the mirror near her ear. Each passing second Draupadi's eyes widened in shock. We all looked confused including Srinivas. She cut her mirror and looked at us.

Draupadi : You have no idea what happened.

Me : They are fine right?

Draupadi : They are fine but something else happened.

Yudhisthir : What?

Draupadi : Subhadra got married.

All of us apart from Draupadi and Srinivas (i mean its obvious he is a baby he can't talk yet) : Who?

Draupadi : To Rajkumar Arjun and Rajkumar Nakul

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