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Urvi pov

We are all in the common room. We haven't left back to Panchal.

We were talking about Draupadi's child when Renu came in with Vijaya and practically screamed at Karn.


Karn : Ummm no what?

Vijaya : Renu just shut up.

Renu : Didi jiju Dhirsthduyman. She is pregnant. (pointing towards Vijaya)

Valandra : Viju is this true?

Vijaya : Yeah. So what?! Its not like I'm asking any help. I mean this isn't the worst crime in the world.

Karn : Why didn't you tell us?

Vijaya : Did you tell me when you killed Vrushali?

He killed Vrushali?

Renu : Oh so we are going there now. You never told us about giving up your powers.

Dhirsthduyman : At least she didn't mind control Rani Kunti into dividing Draupadi amongst her five sons.

Nakul : YOU DID WHAT?!

Renu : Well at least I wasn't the one who gave the idea on killing Vrushali.

Vijaya : How dare you!

Dhirsthduyman : I only said we should do it in the cliff side. But hey. I don't remember seducing a man.

Nakul : YOU DID WHAT?!

Valandra and Karn : ENOUGH! You guys are behaving like kids.

Renu : Its her fault.

Valandra : Finger on your lips. All three of you.

With that Dhirsthduyman, Vijaya and Renu put their fingers on their lips.

Valandra : First of all Vijaya we didn't kill Vrushali cause we wanted to. She tried to kill all of us and she was mentally unfit. She was about to harm Srinivas we did it for that sake.

Vijaya : Yeah what a lie.

Valandra : Two Renu Vijaya gave up her powers and it was her choice. Three, Renu what is Dhirsthduyman talking about?

Arjun : How can you control Rani Kunti's mind and do something like this?

Renu went and whispered something in Arjun's ear.

Arjun : Ohhh makes sense.

Valandra : Fourth Nakul its true she seduced someone but she also killed him with one blow.

Me : So this family is messed up.

Karn : You just knew?

Valandra : Who is the father of the child Viju?

Vijaya : That's none of your concern. No matter what you guys killed Vrushali and I'll never forgive you guys for that. If you will excuse me I'm going to the kitchen to eat something.

With that Vijaya left.

Me : Don't worry Valandra bhabhi we will find out who it is.

Valandra just nodded.

I saw Draupadi bhabhi and Subhadra bhabhi looking worried. Something tells me they know something. But before this I need to know what actually happened to Vrushali.

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